Reflections from all weeks

 Hi everybody,

-I believe that the old myths (thesis) usually generate counter myths (antitheses) that unfold to the new myth (synthesis) in a swinging seesaw kind of unfolding movement where the way is being paved into that new Paradigm. Both on collective and at the individual levels.

- It has occurred to me that a new Eradigm (as you said Craig) can perhaps only be supported form a new synthesis – a new stand point that goes beyond that “old superstition” that my myth”/story/god, whatever”, is better than yours. Reflecting on this, two things happened:

-I have a dream about a living mandorla –the intersection between polarities the point where things meet and do not meet” where light and shadow integrate, has they merge into the (Jungian) tercia non datur, the transcendent function alchemy.

1 -Dream: I was with my mother (representing a part of me in an old conflict) looking at a kind of a building/construction with approximately 2 or 3 floors, on top of which there was passing, like in a movie , several scenes –alive scenes, examples of union of opposites, of merging of paradoxes. They were astonishing, rationally “absurd” or even ridiculous, observing a very unusual and different “logic”. I could only recall the last one, were the British actor Hug Grant - which I was heard is a somewhat cynical person, in spite of some romantic roles in the movies) was a passionate singer of Chinese folk songs! He was singing from his guts, in a very “funny” (from my occidental taste) Chinese way… but his passion and devotion to his art –the singing was what astonished me the most. My dream provided me a new synthesis in those “paradox merging “images. It was really important to me, to understand and to become that mandorla-synthesis-new way. It was the key for an old conflict in my life, a fresh insight carrying new possibilities and I am working now with painting and soul collage with that image to better integrate it into my bodysoul, as the images of the dream, that were on a mental leve -high on the second floor, bust be embodied. And maybe that east (China) and west (Hugh Grant) can acheive new ways of relating, as we can sing different songs, tunes and languages, honoring each other.

2 –I remembered of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, image talked about in the biblical Apocalypse (not literally I write here what I recall of the verse) has an archetypal image of redemption of the times: “The Woman dressed with the sun, standing on the moon, crown by stars”. It is such a rich image in terms of the symbols of the sun, the moon and the stars… Maybe “redemption” – unfolding into the new Eradigm –requires a new stand point: "seeing reality" through lunar wisdom –intuition, descending into the unconscious to find the treasure, life affirming values born from a richer significant inner life, and all the symbolical languages related. To achieve the sun-gold of a new light-consciousness that stretches beyond to the stars, our relation with the cosmos that births a new citizenship. And the VIRGIN IN THE MOON reminded be of the image of the new Eradigm, the EARTH RISING FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE MOON! Cathy Lynn Pagano, a junguian analyst, story teller and Archetypal astrologer has a very interesting book on this subjetc called: LADY WISDOM.

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  • I love collage work.

    Love connection between the virgin in the moon and Earthrise! Earth seen finally from a lunar perspective. That must be a key part of the new myth.

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