Travel: a central theme in my dreams

I often dream about travelling: various forms of transportation (bus, plane, car, train, ship), with or without companions, knowing or not knowing my way. Hearing about Apollo 13 "Aquarius" used as a lifeboat and having to leave to catch a ferry last Friday brought back a dream I had a few days ago that seems to require more attention.  

I was on a ship when it began to rock (rocking the boat?) so I decided to get off with three other fellow travelers. We wrote goodbye messages to those left on the ship. These messages were then broadcasted on a large screen as we toasted with crystal glasses.

Ships and boats appear in many world mythologies. Cooper (1978) writes, as bearers of the sun and the moon ships represent fecundity and fertility of the waters; they also signify adventure; exploration; setting out on the sea of life, but also crossing the waters of death.  

Any suggestions about images in this dream?

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  • ps Your name Maria refers to the ocean. : )

  • Contra Hillman, I always try to connect the images to what happens during the day. I'd be asking: What voyage did I just finish? (Nice ending to it.) Jung would undoubtedly ask about typology, with the three passengers representing, for him, three of your four orienting functions. Are you familiar with his schema?

    Beyond that, mythic ships often mean a change of worlds or a deepening of one's life somehow, or a developmental transition from one phase of life to another. For mythic images I try also to link them to collective happenings.

    • During the last couple of weeks I've been preparing for on online and a face-to-face research methods course. Larger classes 24, and 14 I am constantly rearranging the material to make it easier for students to follow a certain map/journey. It's like I am going through the chaos and find some order so that the students won't have to get lost. My rational side is definitely in charge "doing" while my other three orienting functions are "undoing" until all four reach some sort of agreement. Maybe I am beginning to understand the process at a deeper level.

      I'll see what might transpire as I continue to hold the ship and ocean in mind.

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