I couldn't help sharing this. It came across my desk today, after I had read Craig's article this morning. Enjoy.
Also, quick response to the reading. I feel like the student loans I have are like the teeth of the zombie of the system, biting into me and I am basically letting them sink in, believing that I am impervious to becoming a zombie myself. I don't get the feeling that the debt will kill me, and I try not to let it slow me down, but sure, on a psychological level, they have to have their effect on me. More later.
Are you aware of the IRB? If you work FT for a nonprofit and if you consolidate your loans, and if you can hold the zombies at bay for ten years, the rest is "forgiven" (I love how they put that: like it's our fault for borrowing what we couldn't afford to begin with).
Hi Craig. I am aware, but I don't think I'll qualify. I have to look more carefully. Thanks for looking out.