WHAT: Special Study Group: Jung's with Jungian Analyst Robert

WHEN: Starts January 19th: Consists of 20 pre-recorded lectures of 1.5 hours each; an 88-page study guide created by, Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer; and this written online discussion forum. Runs 40 weeks

WHO: Anyone who is interested in Jung's , Robert . Facilitators: Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett

>>>This Special Study Group starts January 19th, 2013. It is an open written discussion forum based on following the pre-recorded 40-hour audio course* with Robert available from Jung Platform.

This is a central place to which you can come and post questions or comments about the designated module you listened to for the 2-week period and interact with others who are doing the same thing. As such, there is no set "time" it occurs, but rather is ongoing and you can post or respond at your convenience. Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, students and colleagues of Robert will be providing some structure and be on hand to facilitate the discussion, and Robert himself will also be checking in.

*If you're not following the audio course, you're still welcome to engage here in whatever discussion is emerging--though of course you'll likely get far more out of the process if you are able to listen to the course itself.


1. Listen to an interview with Robert on Shrink Rap Radio with host Dr. David Van Nuys to help you get to know Robert better in preparation for the course.

2. Get your copy of this in- audio course from Jung Platform. The course consists of 20 lectures of approximately 1.5 hours each which occur every two weeks. In each lecture Robert addresses a few pages from the . You can read along in your copy of the .
This course comes with an 88-page study guide designed by Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer, which contains a synopsis of each lecture. After each session, there are questions to help you test your understanding. After finishing the entire 40-week course and tests, you get a CE certificate and a Certificate of Completion from the Jung Platform University.

(Cost FULL COURSE: Lectures 1 through 20 + 30 CEs + Synopsis / Study Guide - $99). members get additional 25% off using the code" "). The course may also be purchased in two individual parts.

3/ Join the online discussion forum in the Psychology online community (HERE!) starting January 19, 2013, where everyone who follows the audio course from Jung Platform can come together and discuss each particular section. This forum will be facilitated by two professionals, Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, who have been trained in Embodied Imagination with Robert for three years and Robert will be checking in every two weeks as well. (This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you follow the audio course or have the )


Robert , PsyA, is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. Since then he was been in private practice in the United States and Australia. Robert founded the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary and developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. He has also written several s, including the worldwide bestseller ‘A Little Course In Dreams’.

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  • never mind I figured it out!

  • how do I access the discussion?

  • To Robert, our professor -

    These are study questions and how to approach the materials in a slightly more structured way.

    •  In the first CD, you go through the first 4-5 pages of The Red Book in depth.  I assume you will do this with each CD.  So, do you have suggestions for how we should approach our study of each CD's materials?  Are there a certain number of pages in TRB that you would like us to read per week?  
    • How should we approach the 5 Agree-Disagree/True-False questions that are in the study booklet?  Should we answer each one and post on them, since each question is very interesting?
    • Or, should we just read however and wherever we want?
    • You mention that you are not concentrating on the pictures.  Yet, the pictures have their own reality; they are what originally drew me to TRB, as I have heard from many others, and one professor suggested we meditate on them.  I believe they enhance creativity and dreaming.  I do feel that the visual elements are as important as the text even though you and Sonu suggest that the text is prominent; perhaps this is due to my optimum learning as a visual person, as are other artists, designers, an conceptualists.    Can you include your ideas about the pictures wherever you feel it would be helpful; or, could you mention outside resources related to Jung's pictures that would help us understand this visual dimension in addition to the very important and intriguing text? Perhaps there are meditative exercises or active imagination exercises that could include both text and visuals that you could suggest?
    • Hello Ava,

      I'm Jill Fischer. 

      Answering the true and false study questions at the end of each CD are required to receive CEU's. They are meant to apply to the specific CD you will be listening to and expand on some of the more important highlights emphasized in Robbie's discussion. They are meant to be easy to answer and will hopefully provide a stimulus for your own ideas.

      I don't know how the CEU's are going to be processed but perhaps Bonnie can give you that information.

    • Hi Jill:   Thanks!  This sounds fun and interesting.  

      Do we submit our T-F answers to you/Bonnie or simply answer them for ourselves?  Or, post them?  At the moment, I have downloaded the study booklet in print form, see that it could be answered by hand, but did not see a place or way to send it to the professor or moderating committee to show that we have done it.

      I'll await the next informational thoughts on the CEU's even though this is not at all the sole purpose of my involvement with TRB study group.  The CEUs, however, do seem a nice perk, sign, or even symbol at the end to show ongoing involvement, commitment, and completion.


      It's also been suggested that if we are particularly interested in a T-F statement, we could write about it.  Does this writing also constitute part of the CEU's?

    • Hi Ava,

      As I understand.....The Jung Platform takes care of the CE processing. It is a manual process. You can go online, to the websites provided in your welcome email - fill in the questions, they will be verified and the CE certificate will be emailed to you.

      As for adding your thoughts to the questions....that does not constitute part of the CEU's but will add to all our individual journeys. I for one would love to read your contributions.

      Warmly, Jill

    • Ava,

      Thanks for the questions as we enter this unknown place here in the Depth Psychology Alliance forum on the Red Book that will be created and discovered together.

      The structure we have set up for this forum is simply in the two weeks allocated for each session to discuss what comes up in listening to the particular session and our reading of that section of the Red Book. The study guide, including the questions, is a wonderful resource to stimulate this discussion, so please, do share with us all your answers and thoughts on any question that interests you.  And yes, do read however and where ever you want!  And listen and read each section as often as you like.  Given the discussion so far I am going to listen to the first session again and see what new things open up.

      Please feel free to point to any images from the sections we are focussing on and what they may reveal to you, as well as any dream images that may come up, visions or synchronicities in your life.  As well as any more questions that come up.

    • Hi Ava. I will not answer the study book questions but leave that to Jill Fischer who prepared them and to Chris and Janet who run the forum. I will only address your very important questions about the pictures in the Red Book since I believe that many of you have the same question. It is my suggestion, following the idea of Sonu Shamdasani, who currently is the world expert on the Red Book, having spent a decade of his professional and personal life with it, that in order to enter into the world of the Red Book you go in the order is was conceived. Jung first worked for some years exclusively on the text and then started to add the pictures. If we are to study the pictures at this time we wouldd do it entirely out of context. However, please study the pictures by yourself and when you have insights about the relationship between picture and text please let us know. I am not indicating that there should be no discussion of the pictures, but that I can't help you much there since it is the text and the journey Jung took which was the beginning of his entire scaffolding of thought which has drawn my attention, having waited to read it for 40 years, whereas I have an esthetic interest in the pictures. So I'm a limited guide. I am interested in Jungs images, not so much his pictures (beyond esthetics). Images are three dimensional landscapes of flesh, blood, rock and tree; true environments through which we move. That has always fascinated me.

    • Thank you, Robert.  It is very helpful and interesting to study TRB the way Jung wrote it.

  • 29 members of this forum and counting. A good Saturn return number for all you astrologers.
    You're from: Ohio Kentucky Tennessee California Washington State Budapest PA NYC Canada Florida CT South Africa Wisconsin Utah
    Space travel indeed!
    Looking forward to hearing from you all.

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