WHAT: Special Study Group: Jung's with Jungian Analyst Robert

WHEN: Starts January 19th: Consists of 20 pre-recorded lectures of 1.5 hours each; an 88-page study guide created by, Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer; and this written online discussion forum. Runs 40 weeks

WHO: Anyone who is interested in Jung's , Robert . Facilitators: Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett

>>>This Special Study Group starts January 19th, 2013. It is an open written discussion forum based on following the pre-recorded 40-hour audio course* with Robert available from Jung Platform.

This is a central place to which you can come and post questions or comments about the designated module you listened to for the 2-week period and interact with others who are doing the same thing. As such, there is no set "time" it occurs, but rather is ongoing and you can post or respond at your convenience. Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, students and colleagues of Robert will be providing some structure and be on hand to facilitate the discussion, and Robert himself will also be checking in.

*If you're not following the audio course, you're still welcome to engage here in whatever discussion is emerging--though of course you'll likely get far more out of the process if you are able to listen to the course itself.


1. Listen to an interview with Robert on Shrink Rap Radio with host Dr. David Van Nuys to help you get to know Robert better in preparation for the course.

2. Get your copy of this in- audio course from Jung Platform. The course consists of 20 lectures of approximately 1.5 hours each which occur every two weeks. In each lecture Robert addresses a few pages from the . You can read along in your copy of the .
This course comes with an 88-page study guide designed by Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer, which contains a synopsis of each lecture. After each session, there are questions to help you test your understanding. After finishing the entire 40-week course and tests, you get a CE certificate and a Certificate of Completion from the Jung Platform University.

(Cost FULL COURSE: Lectures 1 through 20 + 30 CEs + Synopsis / Study Guide - $99). members get additional 25% off using the code" "). The course may also be purchased in two individual parts.

3/ Join the online discussion forum in the Psychology online community (HERE!) starting January 19, 2013, where everyone who follows the audio course from Jung Platform can come together and discuss each particular section. This forum will be facilitated by two professionals, Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, who have been trained in Embodied Imagination with Robert for three years and Robert will be checking in every two weeks as well. (This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you follow the audio course or have the )


Robert , PsyA, is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. Since then he was been in private practice in the United States and Australia. Robert founded the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary and developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. He has also written several s, including the worldwide bestseller ‘A Little Course In Dreams’.

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  • Hi Michael,
    Welcome and thanks for jumping in with your thoughts.
    Your comment about watery depths reminds me that the human body is 60-70% water.
    Milton Trager (creator of Trager Psychophysical Intergration bodywork) said the body exists as a container for water.
    Embodying images in/with my body brings me in touch with my deep reservoir of wateriness--delightful or fearsome, engulfing or rippling.

    Will the spirits from the vasty deep come if called? Oh, I think if we all slosh and stir the inner waters they will come!
    Meanwhile, we will experience Jung's "spirits" taking him through the rapids.

  • Welcome Linda and thank you for sharing your eagerness and preparedness to take this journey.

    I followed you to Page 204 and found the end of the section entitled Art and the Zurich School and the beginning of the section The Collective Experiment. Is that what you opened to? Anything in particular that beckoned you to that deep familiar space?

    I read on from there to the top of p.208 and appreciated rereading this overview. In resonance with my incubation of meeting the actual Red Book I read of the parchment on which Liber Primus is written and the commissioning of the 600 page large folio volume bound in red leather ( p.203 2nd paragraph) with spine bearing the title Liber Novus. Is it more like a medieval illuminated manuscript or what in the spirit of our times might be a coffee table book of the life of Marilyn Monroe?

    • Good morning Janet - a strange phenomena is occuring in my connection with you and my initial wonder is are we reading the same text?  Your - 'followed me to pg 204 and found the end of the section entitiled Art and the Zurich School and the beginning of the section The Collective Experiment' is not where I opened to.  So, I looked for where that content is in my book and Art and the Zurich School is on pg 33.  I call this a tele-a-port-a-potty - "Beam me up Scotty" - Star Trecky moment, which interesting enough is a phase I utilized with clients in sessions in the 1990's im moments when the depth of the collective was upon us.

      I utilize an approach, first learned in the 80's at the onset of my PhD - Meditating on Lovingkindness - search for the Blue Pearl (MLSBP), to try to clear the clutter in my mind, open myself into mystery and the book I frequently held in my hand was the NIV Holy Bible (Zondervan, 1984).  This was a regular, fruitful process for me that helped me on my way (spiritually deep and grounding) to finish my dissertation in 1996 (content [psychotraumatology] that brought me close to a time warped experience that felt like mental maddness.  At this time, I trusted that which was strong and secure (felt sense of knowning in my core) and that was the essence sense of my being - a primitive, sentient self bound by innocence and love.....so, that is my background.

      Four decades has lapsed, and I wanted to utilize this same approach, this time held the TRB in my hands, utilzied MLSBP and opened to pg 204 and these are the words that captured my attention....an inner happening...the mystery of Christ...lament...agony...God develops through the union of the principles in me... takes your conflicting will...in the hand of a child whose will is simple and beyond conflict...

      On pg 205, the following words captured my attention...spirit of the depths...spirit of the depths clutched the fate of man unto itself...leads...to the mystery.

      Upon deep contemplatiopn and reflection, there are words symbolic of similar "Star Trecky Moments" and in the 90's, the beam-me-up, tele-porta-pottty phenomena exposed became "megamomentaries." I read  to pg 119 yesterday and the moments of similar 'collective consciousness' states known to Carl jung in his time, experienced by me in my time...speaks to...and the problem with language (me as a psychotraumatologist) and the community (Jungian analysts) recapituates for all of us to content with. 

      That is why the symbols represented in Mandala's are so important - these snapshots are beyond words and are the voice of megamomentaries to behold.  My masters was in transforming counselling theory - Open Systems - and I also utilized creative imagination....drew 3 mandala's, some sketches, poetry and internal attraction resource collages (IARC)....

      Your question "anything in particular that beckoned me to that deep familiar space...after 46 years of service to survivors of trauma (I was an underground worker, novel scientist in a novel field with no established gound in Canada); it is my time to be exposed (gripping), to write, to share what I have learned towards 'the service of the world' and as I am professionally - atypical, steeped in depth of the spirit of megamomentaries with a multitude of others and this is my way, part of my journey, I prayed for a place to connect and my prayers were answered....so the spirit of the depth lead me to join the DPA community that is now my professional, collective safe ground, even though I am just beginning to learn about Jungian psychology - in my elder years!

      Back to your comment resonating with your incubation (1st encounter, being in the presence of) 'with spine bearing (spine tingling - activates the ANS - unconscious)...the title....medieval (ancient), illuminated (a portal opening into the light), coffee table book (open to public scrutiny)...the life of Marilyn Munroe...(idiolized Eros?tragic, premature death and in that way, dissimilar from Jungs outcome)...

      Are we using the same book?  Bonnie knows - me getting the right book for study has been a challenge I have faced before within DPA, and I so long for just one experience in which I have the right Edition in the right timeframe with you all.  Have a great day. 

      Regards Linda - till our next conversation...



    • Are there maybe two versions out now: the facsimile edition which I have been using, and the new reader's edition? If so please realise that the page numbers used are based on the original first edition of the Red Book

    • I have the reader's addition, so I think I'll have to break down and buy the Big Red Book... I finished Liber Primus, the first section. Since we'll be here most of the year, I thought I'd run thru it once without any pause. Before listening to the recordings. No preface, intro, etc. Not even footnotes. It reminds me of so many things. It must be twenty years since I read 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections' (MDR) and it all comes crashing back. I have often listened to the recording by Michael York. The quote: “I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the self. There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self.” often comes to mind in York's beautiful voice. It came again while reading this. I was also reminded of a book by P.D. Ouspensky, "Talks with a Devil," which I believe came out about the same time. I Googled some articles, looking for the beautiful paintings from the facsimile, and one mentioned the Rider-Waite Tarot deck images, and made a comparison. The illustrator Pamela Colman Smith, nicknamed Pixie, was associated with Bram Stoker and Y.B. Yeats. Again, contemporary to the Red Book. The images of their works also provided interesting comparisons. I can see why Jung chose to abandon this work. I think I remember in MDR him making the decision to not be an artist and choosing his scientific work. The Red Book is no Yeats or Longfellow or Wagner, but does inform us of his process. This is going to be fun...

    • Good morning Robert - the copy I purchased is named "The Red Book, Liber Novus, A Readers Edition," so, what am I (we) to do.  It is critical in this realm of depth sharing that we all have the same reference point.  Do I need to purchase the facismile edition to ensure "I(we) are on the same page?

      When will we receive the "88 page Study Guide" or are the post-test questions "the Study Guide?"

      You got to love the manifesting cognitive confusion inherent in initiating these types of timeless depth processes - collectively re-working with a century of psychological ideology (Depth, Jungian) within this timeframe within our chosen, viral DPA community - study group forum, vast space indeed.

      Bonnie, Rboert and Janet - Riple's believe it or not - once again, I have arrived in a different vessel (text) once again...meaning?

      Regards Linda   

  • Hello,
    Janet Fortess here in snowy, Ithaca, New York. I'm happy to be co-moderating this Forum with Chris.
    The publication of The Red Book (December 2009) coincided with my decision to embark on a three year training in Embodied Imagination in Los Angeles. Even though I'd been doing Embodied Imagination dreamwork with Robbie since 1996, I couldn't fathom how the training would stretch my physical and imaginal comfort zones in myriad directions--teaching me to navigate in the depths and in the dark --to trust images to reveal their life and meaning from within themselves. And now this exploration with Robbie and all of you invites me into more deep space.
    In my incubation with Chris, I reenter the Rubin Museum in NYC where I see the real Red Book. As I walk around the display case, suddenly I see the book open to page 135--the egg--my breath is taken away and indrawn in surprise--the book is there for me to see--the transitions of the vivid colors, the frightening creatures, the shards above that pierce me with the shimmering beauty of the image. This is felt in my chest, throat and up into tears in my eyes. I feel the image in the book is impressed on my chest, almost like a tattoo. And then Chris guides me to experience the book itself. I feel the spine resting on the display stand and then the wide openness of the book. I experience the whole book, its aliveness, its animal nature and smell of the leather as my breath slows down.
    I wonder how the book will reveal itself to you.
    I'm putting on my deep space suit and readying for our journey guided by Embodied Creative Imagination in, through and beyond The Red Book.

    You might enjoy: The Making of The Red Book http://vimeo.com/6797148

    • Good morning Janet - from the small hamlet in Alberta, Canada, I arose early this morning in great anticipation and excitement concerning the beginning of this multifaceted on-line process I am launched into with all of you and can only imagine who it is to be in the same space, in your real time, to see, be with, interact and feel the essence of both Robbie and the original Red Book.

      I now have most of the materials prepared for us willing to go on this journey.  My copy of The Red Book arrived yesterday, the audio course downloaded and I listened to the first lecture and glimpsed at the post-lecture test.  Ihave  click onto this site to read your offering Janet and thank you for I did enjoy the video.  I have learned patience, remain humbled and so grateful to be within the depths of our unified conscious and unconscious collections manifest and revealed in our meaningful, enbodied creative imaginations with all who share this space in our time.  The course outline is near ready which I am eager to receive.

      I hold my copy of The Red Book, open and behold page 204 and as I read these first two pages.....I enter a deep....familiar....space and know I am in good hands, company for the spirit of my depths.

      Regards Linda  

  • Hi everyone and again welcome to this journey, my name is Chris and I will be one of the moderators in this forum.  You can access my bio information in my profile and feel free to message me with any other personal questions.  

    I am very honored and excited to be part of this project.  

    As we heard in this first session with Robbie about his first encounter with the Red Book I thought I would introduce myself in the same way.

    When I first heard of the publication I immediately thought of it in terms of shamanic soul retrieval.  This information had been inaccessible for the good part of a century (like being in the underworld) and now when the world was needing it, it and it’s medicine was “retrieved”!

    So I attended most of the Red Book Dialogues at the exhibition at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, CA - The Red Book of C. G. Jung: Creation of a New Cosmology.  It was thrilling!  I met new people at every session and it was like being at Hogwarts Acadamy!

    In preparation for this forum Janet helped me incubate that memory (an application of Embodied Imagination to allow a deep participation with the Other) and as I allowed the ticket to one of the events to reveal itself I became aware of it as a neuron with dendrites connected to me, the woman who had gifted it to me, the Red Book, as well as the two participants in that evenings Dialogue between analyst and artist - and probably some of the dendrites connected to you all!

    And now here we are with the Red Book and each other.

    So as we travel together and as Robbie has given us the suggestion of “suspending disbelief”,  I would add let’s also suspend our beliefs and our knowings as we enter this world of depth, wonder and discovery.

    here is a link to a great short annotation on Embodied Imagination




    • Good morning Chris - thank you for your offering, short annotation on Embodied Imagination and wise words to suspend disbeliefs, beliefs and knowing and enter this world of depth, wonder and discovery.  I want to share my screen saver, new image of this morning - an enlarged image of one section of the outer layer of an artichoke both rich in pixel color and texture!  Regards Linda.

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