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Another Poem

I wrote this one this morning in honor of the class topic!

January 7, 2016

An Impressive Anomaly

I flip my computer open in the morning and punch its keys not like the born-blind reading braille but with the brute force of the jazz pianist. I am f

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A poem I wrote in August of this year....


When bones and feathers fade to dust

Who can say who passed here?

A small ring of fire blacken'd stones

tells a story of adventure,

of sleepy eyes counting falling

stars, reaching up to cradle the

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Video: The Great Bell Chant

This is one of my favorite ways to slow down and breathe. I can't explain what happens when I listen, but it really carries a numinous charge for me.

Probably several of you know it already, but maybe it's time to re-listen. This particular version h

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Welcome & Introductions

Thanks for joining us. We hope to have a fun, intimate group where we can all share resources, stories, poetry, art, and other renewing experiences. Please write a sentence (or a few) about what brings you to this course, what you do in life, or what

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