With the current wanton destruction of the biosphere in favor of animating the machinery of civilization, it would seem that the direction of evolution is towards "artificial" creations. Is this drive an expression of parthenogenesis--"male birth", o
There have been many economic discussions of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown of 2008 that triggered a global financial avalanche and arguably shifted Western hegemony to a multipolar world with China rising towards dominance. The economic analyses ge
Just had a quick thought about an emerging archetype. Now I know enough to realize there theoretically aren't new archetypes, but have to keep pushing against this immutable law as it strikes me as a breakdown of the theoretical validity of archet
As many already know, the DSM V has been released as a working draft for public feedback. Within the draft, Introversion is considered a spectrum marker for schizotypical psychopathology. I am not a therapist or a clinician of any sort, so I am reall
After a nearly two month long obsession with the Tea Party and the Fox New Channel, I began to find myself experiencing one of the more insidious elements of television. As some background, I watch very little television, maybe one or two shows a wee
Following the depth psychological principles of discarded elements living in the shadow margin, we might look at fundamentalism as a response to the post-modern concept of radical empiricism (and vice-versa). Acceptance of post-modern truth raises my
Music speaks to the unconscious, and the unconscious speaks through music (amongst other forms). As the iPod fits music in the pocket, we are functionally becoming one with the sounds that speak to our unconscious. And this space becomes ever more pr
The Tea Party is certainly a rupture in the American psyche. Watching the protests, seeing the raw edge of "civil" American's, hearing the cheer spring from the crowd chanting "Palin 2012", it's hard not to feel some deeper movement of our culture. I
Admittedly, this discussion group is a bit ambitious, but I'm gonna let it fly...
The discussion of soul seems difficult to place in the scope of modern technology. Language and the body, a vehicle and a vessel of human being are quickly losing groun