Multi-month, shared journey into self with neighbors, Build a Mentor program that creates new teachers with seniors as practitioners, Integration of all kids and their families and parents in a structured Initiation process , “Scale Up”: Start small, local, and build up, connect the network thru shared experiences and new myths, Transition from the old system to the new system, Experiential Learning, Theory, Collaboration, Risk Taking, Visioning, resilience, new rituals, new alchemy (0)
There aren’t any discussions tagged Multi-month, shared journey into self with neighbors, Build a Mentor program that creates new teachers with seniors as practitioners, Integration of all kids and their families and parents in a structured Initiation process , “Scale Up”: Start small, local, and build up, connect the network thru shared experiences and new myths, Transition from the old system to the new system, Experiential Learning, Theory, Collaboration, Risk Taking, Visioning, resilience, new rituals, new alchemy yet.