Ashley E. Thompson left a comment for Ed Koffenberger
"Souling. . . . I like that very much:) Can you say more about the "levels of revelation"? I can't help but think of evolution when I hear revelation, which makes me think of it as a concept of an evolution of consciousness. 
I think that yes, a…"
Mar 9, 2012
Ashley E. Thompson left a comment for Ed Koffenberger
"Oh geeze I could say so much more about trans-species psychology! It is my dissertation topic, so hopefully I have a few hundred words to say about it:)
In a nut shell. . . . my work centers around a deconstruction of depth psychology and in…"
Mar 6, 2012

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  • I agree with the relating evolution and revelation in that greater revelation is derived with a deeper evolution of depth consciousness. My belief is that souling is fully revealed when the wisdoms of thought, emotions, body, and spirit are all brought into a congruent whole. Ego needs to take a side step to allow such a unity to take place. Dualism has never been the highest truth and keeps us at the early stages of development (either-or) rather than higher levels of awareness (both-and). (I have a paper on how the casting out of Adam and Eve from Paradise was a gift of God, related to dualism as a limited wisdom.)

    My experiences of the fullness of souling are almost always while out in nature long enough to shed the ego's valuing system. For me, the presence of water helps strip away the veneer of ego. Whenever I am surrounded by a human-made environment, the collective ego of the human creators is very difficult for me to absorb and pass beyond. Not impossible, but much more difficult.

    Nature has a much closer congruence of wisdoms present so we humans have to make the effort to reach them and realize that we are all children of both soma and psyche held within the warm embrace of an ever moving, ever revealing souling.

  • I have a much longer response coming (WARNING!!) but wanted to say that I loved the film clip. Dolphin is my water spirit animal and was my icon for awhile in the DPA. My land spirit animal is the black panther so I can kinda get with the kitten. :)  Later...

  • Ashley,

    I am currently working on the conceptualization of soul, questioning the substantive aspect by proposing a verbal construct of souling. We along with plants and animals all share this souling and it is more a matter of levels of revelation rather than having soul or not. In light of your comment, I wonder about whether trans-species consciousness is when the levels of revelational energies are on the same wave length, if you will. EX: Feeling as one while riding is due to the parallel souling experience mutually shared between horse and rider. This being a numinous moment characterized by a sense of timelessness.

    What do you think?


  • Welcome Ashley,

    Glad you found and joined the Alliance. Another Pacifica-ite!!! Your interest in inter-species psychology intrigues me. Can you say more? I live in Kentucky where love of horses must be in the water and I see horses are your totem (?). Again, welcome and I look forward to your posts.


  • Hi Ashley. Welcome to the Alliance. As you may know, there are many of us affiliated with Pacifica here--myself included, so it's great to have you here.

    Hopefully, once you have a chance to explore the online community a bit, you'll find a dynamic group of likeminded people who are all deeply drawn by the field of depth psychology. While there are many Jungian analysts and clinical psychologists here, our members come from many walks of life--artists, writers, doctors, healing professionals, counselors, students, business people, etc--so there is much cross-disciplinary knowledge and experience here to be shared.

    On that note, I hope you'll find opportunities to engage as you browse the vast content and interact with others. You may want to consider joining the online book club if you haven’t already—There's a new author each month, and you can jump in at anytime and participate at whatever level you wish.

    Even if you don't have the book for this month, it's all done via writing in an open forum, so you can read all the comments that have gone on so far and get a feel for what's happening. In February, we are featuring a wonderful new book from Jungian Analyst Erel Shalit," The Cycle of Life", as well as a special online study group on Astrology with longtime astrologer Kathleen Burt. March will bring a new book from Dr. Michael Conforti, a specialist in archetypes and new sciences, "Field, Form, And Fate".

    In case you need detailed help getting started and navigating the site, you can use the following link--and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all! I look forward to seeing you around the community~Bonnie Bright, Founder

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