Jennifer M. Sandoval, PhD posted an event

May 12, 2016 at 11:00am to May 14, 2016 at 12:00pm

Serra Retreat

Feb 24, 2016
Jennifer M. Sandoval, PhD commented on Jennifer M. Sandoval, PhD's video
"He's a bit droll, but I love this guy :) He has a nice series of videos on youtube about modern psychoanalysis. As a clinician, I have found them very helpful."
Feb 23, 2016

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  • Jennifer, a warm welcome to you. I see that you have settled right into our community and I look forward to reading, listening, and learning more about you in the months and years to come.

    I would like to invite you to the next Deep Meet 'n Greet, set for Thursday, April 14th at 5pm PDT.  This is an informal online event, hosted by Mark Sipowicz and myself, where you can meet other Alliance members.  I'd love to see you there!

    See you around the Alliance,

    Donna May, LMFT

    Depth Therapist, Consultant, Educator & Writer

    Depth Psychology Alliance Board Member

  • Education Institution
    Fascinating post, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing here in the community.
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Chicken or Egg?

An interesting question to me is the chicken or egg question. I get distracted by this question. What comes first, cognition or affect, thought or emotion? Do I choose to feel what I feel at some level, or does it just happen to me? How autonomous am I in determining the quality of my own life? Do I have emotions, or do they have me?

Historically, as we know, Plato thought that emotions were just one component of the mind, along with desire and intellect. Aristotle on the other…

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