dreamwork (6)


Awakening Body Wisdom through

Dreamdancing & Authentic Movement


May 6 -12, 2012

 A Five-Day Retreat for Women & Men

 with Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., Jungian analyst & Dance Therapist

assisted by Margareta Neuberger, MA


Green Gulch Zen Center, Mill Valley, California

Dreams carry treasures that enhance the meaning and depth of our life's journeys. Authentic Movement allows access to these rich inner resources on a cellular level, reawakening our natural rhythms, instinctual wisdom, and sense of self. At

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9142468656?profile=originalWhen you work with dreams from an animated point of view, notes Stephen Aizenstat, who pioneered the process of DreamTending, it brings the dream to life. When one comes into a relationship with the image, it allows the image its own innate intelligence, and it can speak to us what it knows.

Through this process, we develop a community of soul figures which become “intimate others,” offering the capacity for powerful relationships. We can “live into” these relationships in times of crisis, of dee

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Sorting the Bones

“This is our meditation practice as women, calling back the dead and dismembered aspects of ourselves……”–Clarissa Pinkola Estes


In her dream, a woman finds a pile of bones out behind the place in which she is living.  This is a disturbing image–with its suggestion of a crime have been committed, an act of brutality, or harm having been done.  Although the dream does not provide information about the actual events that occurred, it marks a dark history.  The remnants of that history–the bones–hav

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“The earthly sounds of all atomic motion, including the sounds of the body—the heart, lungs, circulation, cellular activity—come from the cosmic sound of the creative vibratory activity of Aum. The sounds of the nine octaves perceptible to the human ear, as well as all cosmic low or high vibrations that cannot be registered by the human ear, have their origin in Aum.” ~ from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda

There is something I am learning about in the alchemy which has to do with vibratio

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Working with Dreams: Depth Psychology Techniques of Carl Gustav Jung and James Hillman

Dream work is ancient, it’s long tradition evidenced in the temples of Asclepius in Greece where individuals went to be healed through their dreams. Dreams have been an important aspect of many spiritual traditions, and even Freud considered the study of dreams to be his most important work. There are many methods of dream analysis. When working with dreams, it can be helpful to intentionally assess them from v

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