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9142466258?profile=originalChinese medicine is a system that's rooted in nature. Using primary treatment tools like acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and cupping, the practice focuses on maintaining health and preventing illness.

As a doctor of Chinese medicine for over six years, Brian Falk has nearly completed his Ph.D. in Depth Psychology with Specialization in Somatic Studies, and he has had a chance to experience a multitude of correlations between Chinese medicine and depth psychology.

Since studying depth psycho

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Policing cyberspace, policing the psyche

9142440097?profile=originalI was recently referred by a client to a year-old New York Times article about images and the Internet. The article, “Policing the Web’s Lurid Precincts” by Brad Stone, specifically deals with how repeatedly viewing “depraved” images affects people hired to review content.

Patricia Laperal, a psychologist hired to study effects of images on “content reviewers,” told the Times the results of her research

Ms. Laperal… reached some unsettling conclusions in her interviews with content moderators. Sh

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Shiff, Shalit, and The Cycle of Life

Benjamin Shiff's painting Life  on the cover of The Cycle of Life

A primary tenet of my perspective on the journey through life, as I describe in the newly published The Cycle of Lifeir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715500, pertains to the confluence of fate and destiny, and how conscious choice and the unexpected turns of the tide flow together. How do predetermined fate and individual destiny cohabit in one’s life, how does fate determine one’s prospects, and in what ways can the individual determine the course of his or her possibi
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