Almost four years ago, I walked up the Capitol steps in freezing rain to join other clergy and officiants to perform the first legally sanctioned same-sex weddings in Washington State. Those of us who could legally perform a ceremony were invited to donate our services to any who chose to get married under, near, or around the Christmas tree in the Rotunda. Robed clergy of many denominations, justice of the peace and others, stood in a line as couple after couple met them, chos
old (3)
Giger’s Harvest Tradition @ Root River
New Myth #79 by Mythologist Willi Paul
"It’s time-off for Giger, 3 miles downstream at the old Stormgate summer McMansion, a food forest and berry batch is weighted with apples, peaches and blackberries. His rituals dance in a submerged dock; the fire pit and the river’s shoreline. All give face to the Harvest Tradition."
I think you will like this description of a 12 year old introvert (5-Observer in the Enneagram system)
by my extern, a student at the University of California in Berkeley. It's funny. This is a guest blog.