tolerance (2)

Unconscious Cultural Conditioning

How much are each of us unconsciously conditioned by the culture we live in, and how profoundly does it affect us? Sometimes our thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviors stemming from our individual cultures are so pervasive and embedded that we can't perceive them the old adage about describing water to a fish. 

9142452285?profile=originalResearchers who go into other cultures to study them often go in with their own lens to try and find data...and of course, the data they find is typical of the researche

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Monday, January 10, 2011

I want to write today about what it means to me to be a depth psychologist in today’s world. I read about and feel in my bones the polarization in our country: democrats v.republicans, liberals v. conservatives, religious fundamentalists v. “New Agers”, and the list goes on. What it essentially comes down to is “me v. Other.”Whoever we are and whereever we stand is the “me.” Whomever the other person is that stands in a different place in the world in such a way that we c
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