Richard Tarnas: The Value of Astrology

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Tony Howard interviews Richard Tarnas at the Northwest Astrology Conference in 2011. They talk about Cosmos and Psyche, the progression of history, the value of astrology, and astrology's rightful place in cultural dialogue. Rick alludes specifically to his surprise at how Cosmos and Psyche "took the academic world by storm."

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  • The value of astrology is that it helps people understand the world around them. Astrology gives us insight into our own lives and how we interact with others. It helps us make decisions and understand ourselves better. Astrology is a great tool for self-improvement and understanding yourself. Birthday astrology


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  • A great interview Bonnie! I've been using astrology with evolutionary (a focus on the meaning of Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes) and archetypal slants for my own personal knowing (revelatory, humbling and at times, humiliating!) and those of some of my clients here is Nottingham.

    Thanks for the post!
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