Free Video Class! Jung and Mythology with James Newell PhD
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Thanks, William!
You obviously know about two-thirds (2/3rd) of what MYTH is about. Yes, MYTH is all about ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind that lives on the matrix of the collective unconscious, which I know as the MATRIX OF WISDOM The matrix is projected out of the psyche AS THE OUTER WORLD.
Outside of living life instinctively on the MATRIX OF WISDOM'S primeval laws. Euphemistically, you can call that kind of existence living life in a jungle or forest of animals, which is symbolically analogous to living in New York City's concrete jungle. In that state of mind all humans are animals and they will never have any idea who they are.
The Judaeo Christian Scriptures are all about mythology. The first letter/word of Genesis: BETH is the entire bible. All else is endless commentary (vignettes) explaining psyche. This mythology teaches the initiate how the cerebral lobes of the brain were created and why the human body is formatted as it is. Bible mythoi show how and why the world was created.
That MATRIX OF WISDOM if mathematically analyzed properly will exude the secrets of the Precession of the Equinoxes: How the Ancient Astrologers learn of it. And it will solve the Olbers Paradox and reveal the Unknown God.
The first verse of Genesis: "Elohym (God) separates the heavens and the earth". Heavens symbolizes the empyrean and the earth symbolizes ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
I am not saying that knowing about mythology and how it explains the dynamics of the psyche is wrong; rather, I am saying you left out the best part of what mythology is about: i.e. you left out the WORD OF GOD.