Shamanism and the Evolutionary Origins of Schizophrenia

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A Video Lecture by Dr. Joseph Polimeni entitled "Shamanism and the Evolutionary Origins of Schizophrenia"

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  • Dr. Joseph Polimeni gave a good lecture on this topic. Visually, it was well edited and enjoyable to watch. 

    Through outlining some of the differences between schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder in the context of evolutionary and cultural development, he revealed some insight about how individuals used personal and archetypal content to help tribes function and survive.

    Remembering Jung’s insistence that individuation looks like mental illness, I thought it made sense, and is relevant to the material I’m reading right now in Jung, Vol. 3, The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease.

    Thanks Bonnie for posting this.

  • Thank you ...Forms of transcendence...
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