The Challenge of Time (Part 5 of 8)

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"The Challenge of Time" Sunday, January 2, 2011 A lecture by Swami Yuktatmananda, Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New ...

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  • Mike, thanks so much for posting this video. It's probably not one I would have taken the time to seek out or watch otherwise, but it was really the perfect message for me today. It's so easy for all of us to get overwhelmed when there are so many things to do--and the pace at which our culture moves isn't always conducive to meditation.

    The idea--and the way the swami articulates it--that we should dedicate our lives to any particular activity we are doing at the moment and do it as "worship" is profoundly significant...
  • The Swami in NY reminds us that within each and every man and woman there is and infinite and immeasurable strength, if we only awaken to it, we can overcome all obstacles and self imposed limitations.

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