Unsolicited Grace English Accounts of Sri Sarada Dev

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  • Thank you for posting this blessing of The Mother, in the form of the recountings of some of the Swami's who lived while Sarada Devi was alive...  I was especially surprised to hear Swami Aseshananda's voice.  He was a very sweet teacher who let the love of The Mother archetype through to all he met. 

  • Last weekend, the Assisi Institute in Brattleboro, VT presented a day of shall I say tribute to the archetype of the mother.  Since Mother's Day is a may holiday, I found it quite appropriate.  I have attached this video because I believe it provides a good example of some of the key attributes of the positive mother archetype, and also offers a glimpse into the archetype of the holy person, whether male or female.  What is depicted and honored here is not just a single holy person who lived in through the turn of the previous century but the vast power of a mother's love, and the simplicity of it's expression.  The Swami's themselves exemplify nobility and humility and their love for the embodiment of mother archetype is apparent in the words, voice and inflection.  I hope all viewing this will be likewise moved as I have been every time I replay this brief video segment.

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