Shadow Tech - Cracking the Codes of Personal and Collective Darkness
Along with my partner Melissa Mari, I've published this book. The contents came to us as we engaged in shadow work within the container of our relationship. A number of concepts in the book had been brewing in me for several years, but only after we came together did they manifest as a coherent map. The map that began to appear was comprised of several concepts that fit together to help us understand "the destructive force in the universe" and how it manifests in the psyche and culture. Of…
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Dear All,
I am delighted to announce I have a book coming out the end of 2011 published by Spring Journal Books.
The Dark Side of Venus Aphrodite and the Loss and Regeneration of soul
I also have written a secton in Terror, Violence and the Impulse to Destroy, edited by John Beebe, published by Daimon.Hi all, I work with a few Naturopathic Physicians as a medical intuitive, individuals who need to understand their health issues and also I feel personalities, emotions and hear thought patterns in people when I read them. I work to help people understand their own unconscious actions and reactions and to overcome the parts that don't work for them very well. To that end I've written three books. The first was about a decade ago and is now being re-written to include updated information. It's called The Mechanics of Consciousness. In it I present a model of perception patterns. Patterns of perception are a side effect of the incarnation process and directly effect your depths. There are only four patterns for all humans and one, or more of them belongs to you. This title is not in my web store because it is being re-written, but I have copies available. Email me at
The next book I just released in Aug. 2011 called Meditations to Balance Your Emotional Soul. It is a compilation of poetic entries about emotions and what to do with them to balance yourself back to peace.
My last book, A Gift of Grace, was also released in Aug. 2011 and it tells the story of a young woman who takes up with a wise old crone who shows her all about her pattern of perception and how to fix it. This story is told in a similar fashion to Richard Bach's Illusions and Dan Millman's Way of the Peaceful Warrior.
Available in paperback, kindle and limited edition hand made hard cover by the author.
Facebook fan page:
Hello All ... I am also a new member of the Alliance. My work is in corporate myth - I work with organizations to enhance creativity and innovation in the workplace. I have written two books, both available through Amazon.
ReVisioning the Way We Work was published in 2005 and is a theoretical read, the research I did in my dissertation - Corporate Culture and Individuation. I have outlined my methodology in cultural due diligence.
The second book, "Finding Your Creative Core" is a workbook that is easily accessible. It is a compilation of exercises that I have used over the past 20 years in organizations to deepen understanding of personal myth.
Both books use Campbell's Hero's Journey as a foundation for exploration.
A recommendation for both:
"A lucid gateway to Joseph Campbell's monomyth of the hero's journey, particularly as it can be applied to one's career. Ginger Grant is an excellent interpreter of this invaluable but sometimes rather difficult body of work. I recommend her highly." William Gibson, futurist and author of Pattern Recognition.
I would be very interested in connecting with other depth psychologists who are attempting to heal our corporate wounds. Looking forward to exploring!
Twitter: @mythginger
A few years back I wrote Mindful Dreaming (published by New Page Books, 2007) to demonstrate how our nightly dreams correspond to the four stages of spiritual growth that Joseph Campbell called the Mythic Journey. However, Mindful Dreaming moves beyond Campbell’s original paradigm, showing how our dreams teach us ten lessons in mindfulness about the emotional and spiritual values we need to progress through the four phases of our own Journey.
My coming-of-age novel The History of My Body will be released by Fisher King Press/Genoa House Oct. 15, 2011. More information is available on my blog:
My paper Gossip, Envy, Secrecy, and Belonging appeared in the Vol.9, No.1, 2007 issue of the Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice:
I was Guest Editor of Issue Twenty-One, 1989, of the special issue of Psychological Perspectives, The Child Within/The Child Without.
Book Published in January:
Heart Attack and Soul in the Labyrinth of the Psyche
A Jungian way through a severe heart attack, with 40 original images and commentary. Earlier version can be read at