Education Institution
  • Sep 8, 2018 from 6:00am to 7:30am PDT
  • Location: The Depth Psychology Alliance
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

This free event is starting soon!

The Archetypal Roots of Multi-Generational Trauma

in the Americas

In response to the positive reaction of participants in our June conversation, this Fall we will continue our conversation on multi-generational trauma in the Americas. We will continue to discuss the traumatic and ongoing decimation of the native peoples of the Americas from a depth psychology perspective, and examine possible connections to contemporary events. We'll consider questions such as: How can we best address issues of cultural chaos from the perspective of depth psychology? How can those of us who feel that the perspectives of depth psychology can have a positive cultural influence begin to inspire positive change in the world? If these questions interest you, please join us on Saturday, September 8th at 1:00 PM PT for our FREE community event.

Join Alliance director James Newell and a panel of Alliance board members and others for a community conversation on multi-generational trauma.


In the past we’ve held community discussions on such topics as racism, Islamophobia, and gun violence. On Saturday September 8, 2018 the Depth Psychology Alliance is hosting another live community discussion/webcast during which time listeners will participate with a panel of interested persons as we discuss Depth Psychology and the Archetypal Roots of Multi-Generational Trauma in the Americas: Part II. This current initiative will attempt to address the traumatic and ongoing decimation of the native peoples of the Americas from a depth psychology perspective. Please forward this post to your favorite social media outlets and to interested friends!

Click here to register for this FREE event!

Click here to learn more about this initiative!


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  • Hi,

    I didn't check my email for some days, so I did not see the announcement until just now... If I'd seen it, I would have signed up and participated in the discussion. Since I didn't, did you record and can I listen to it?

    Thank you for the initiative. From vicious circle to learning spiral is the focus of a series of publications and activities I plan to carry out during the next few months here in Catalonia. I would have loved to participate in the community conversation!

    Best wishes,

    Brigitte Hansmann

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