Is shadow influencing our workchoice? I think people unconsciously choose for growth by choosing a certain job & company.


The positive aspects of shadow, admiration do attract someone to a job ...but I also think the negative aspects somehow do challenge someone. Most of them don't know this.

Ofcourse in a job you are utilising your talents ...and in shadow your gold is hidden to perform your job even better.


What do you think?

Do you have tips 4 reading? Comment? Anything is welcome!

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  • Interesting question, well done.

    • You're welcome ...

      I have so many questions ... I wonder why  *smile*

      • I am interested in any typology which might help a person grow in understanding themselves. I get a bit leary when we start using typologies to make decisions about others we know. I am greatly uncomfortable when typologies are used to catagorize those we don't know simply by their thoughts and/or behaviors. Would like to hear more about CADT, I keep coming up with other areas when I try to find it using my search engines. Is there an essential text for describing this work?

        • Hi Ed,


          It is far more than a typology.  CADT is used for diagnosis, therapy, coaching and assesments. A bit can be found on my website htpp://

          Archetypes/images are used and text of competences. I can tell you everything about it. You have to learn it before you can use it. And you need to work on a regular base with this tool, because of it's depth. It can be used online, also for an organisation and teamworking it is used.  By knowing talents you know exactly where investments can be made in an effective way. Blind spots become clear aswell.

          I have a skype account carla.leutscher. I love to tell you more!

          And of course to experience it yourself is the best ...


  • Hi Carla,

    Great topic! I know I can relate to it as I have noticed a pattern in several of the jobs I have held in my adult life. It's been awhile since I read Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abram’s book, Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, but in it, as I recall, they propose that the shadow serves as sort of a psychic immune system in defining what is "self" and what is "not-self". Thus consciousness that we have a shadow is a starting place at least.

    I also like the article at It is a simple but relevant discourse on "the importance of externalizing shadow material through socially acceptable channels to bring its inherent darkness to light".

    I suspect we could broaden all of this out to included relationships, and the fact that we unconsciously choose those because they will help us grow. But whether it is a romantic relationship or a professional one, I, for one, am convinced there's a reason for it all and we can't grow until we accept that part as a first step.


    • Hi Bonnie,


      Thank you for the good tips! Yes there is a chapter on work and shadow. I like to go a bit further and deeper :)

      Good article and I will use parts of it!

      We do grow by choosing our relationships ...we might even wonder if we choose ourselves? Is there free will? I prefer to think we do have a free will. :)


      • Wow! Cool thought..."choosing ourselves"! I do believe we had some say in coming "here" to work on certain things---on some level it has always been part of my conditioning and my belief system...but I never thought about it in exactly that way. Did I choose my ego and the way I would show up in the world at a core level? Did I choose the default coping mechanisms I would resort to to allow me to navigate through life? Actually, I am an avid student of the Enneagram, a psycho-social personality typology system, and on some level, the way I learned it, is that the way we are is "half nature and half nurture"--that is, part of our ego/persona is the way we were raised, and part of it is almost more of a "soul type" in the sense that each of the nine typologies has a very unique and recognizable way of being in the world. If you don't know the Enneagram, I highly recommend it. It's a very powerful system....

        • I was reading something Stan Grof wrote in his new book, Psychology of the Future that really resonated with me.  He noted how often  a therapist's bias or approach can affect the work. His preference is to work with non ordinary states of consciousness because then whatever is up is up and must be addressed.  Part of the problem with any approach is that it can prevent us from seeing things 'freshly'.

          Jung, in many places, really relativizes the influence of 'nurture' on development. So did Lawarence Kohlberg in his work on moral-ethical development.  Here is a relevant quote from Jung:

          [A child’s] nearest relations, who exercise immediate influence over him, create in him an image which is only partly a replica of themselves, while the other part is compounded of elements derived from himself. The imago is built up of parental influences plus the specific reactions of he child; it is therefore an image that reflects the object [parents] with very considerable qualifications. 



        • I am familiar with the enneagram, a very nice system. I prefer to work with CADT a system with archetypes and competences, based on Jung &more. Enneagram is a great system, CADT is even better :)

          The idea of no free will scares me a bit, I don't like to think about it. It is so good to feel freedom of choice. To chooses ourselves is too nice to let this not be. Haha, I like myself with all my coping systems.


          Thank you so much for your reply! It gives me new thoughts.

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