Several members of the Alliance are MFTs or MFTs in training. This group invites discussion of how the systemics of MFT and the inner systems of depth/archetypal work might inform and support or contradict and challenge the other.
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  • Ed, Thanks so much for starting this group. I am not an MFT, but I am definitely interested in the ways in which MFTs incorporate Jungian and depth techniques into their practice. Some of the questions that occur to me are: Are patients open or do they balk at it? What techniques are most effective or most relied upon? Are practitioners using some of the more esoteric practices like archetypal astrology, I-ching, or shamanism? I came across an interesting article on the I-ching and therapy recently which I'll post as a new discussion with its own thread. Meanwhile, are therapists open about what they're doing or are they very subtle about slipping in some of the perspectives and ideas? Hope more MFTs and others will join this Group to add to the discussion--it promises to be rich!
  • I like following the thought that the "identified patient" as symptom bearer could be archetypal in nature. I also find it interesting that in the great majority of my work, it is a child that carries the IP designation.Could be some interesting amplifications, imaginal and cultural, involved with that thread.

    As to the family as archetypal field, I've heard much as to the detrimental aspects of such a field (to individuation, as an example) but very little as to how a "healthy" family can encourage the individuation process. But, then again, I have seen things more from the "patch 'em up" perspective than the "grow them" approach. :)

    Question: Do you see us sharing our experiences, which would be advantages, or adding a bit of shared research into specific areas, such as the IP mentioned above? or both?

  • Look forward to learning more about the approaches to training offered at the various Jungian institutes around the US and even internationally.  Thanks, Ed, for forming this group.

    As for how a systems approach blends with a depth perspective, one initial thought is how a systems piece such as the IP--the Identified Patient in a family, sometimes called the "symptom bearer"--is couched as an image.  Another way of considering the interface between systems theory and a depth perspective is that a family can be looked at as an archetypal field (in which our complexes are developed and the healing resources of archetypal patterns are constellated bringing a shift in conscious attitude and thus the opportunity for change for the members of the system).

    Have had a full day with clients today so I think I'm done for now.  Will check in again later with additional thoughts....

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MFT Interns Wanted for Depth-Oriented Practice in Ventura/SB area

Hello, We are a nonprofit organization that provides depth-oriented counseling to its community. We are looking for MFT Interns who would like to join our practice. The practice is located in downtown Ventura. The right candidate is someone who is interested in having their own private practice and who has the marketing skills to acquire his or her own clients. We will provide you with a comfortable room to provide psychotherapy, weekly clinical supervision, and wages. Our clinical supervisor…

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The Family Shadow

We often speak of the individual shadow yet, as some religious traditions emphasize, the couple becomes as "one flesh." Assuming some lived reality of this belief, that must mean couples must have shadows as it (the couple) individuates as a couple. Is that even possible or is this an understanding that shows where MFT theories and depth understandings part company? An individuating couple? Is there a family shadow? And if there is, how does one approach such a shadow in therapy, assuming that…

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