Dream of Turtle Populations at Night

Hi all, there has not been a lot of activity on this group recently and I don’t know how many folks are around, however I have a dream I’d love to get any feedback on.  This is from two nights ago—the product of a very jet lagged brain.  Here is the dream: 

I am looking at a map of the world, traditional world map, flat.  Suddenly night falls over the map and the map becomes like a deep dark green-black.  I am situated off the map in a neutral, observer space.  As night moves over the map (and the whole world becomes night at the same time, which I register in the dream as odd) the coastlines of the whole world become bright orange.

This bright orange represents turtle populations. For example, the Mediterranean is ringed with a thin band of orange on both the European and African coasts, California has a think band of orange reaching into the Pacific, etc. The seas around China, Japan, and India are almost fully orange, whereas for most of the rest of the world it is only a band just off the coastlines that has the turtles.

The whole map seems to pulse with turtle energy and the turtles are in motion—I can’t actually see individual turtles however am aware that the orange is pulsing and moving dynamically.  All the turtles, I realize, plunge over a sea wall or kind of huge waterfall in the ocean, apparently to their deaths and there are these sea walls on the edge of every coast at the end of the orange bands. Actually, off of California I can see turtles plunging off the sea wall if I look at that part of the map—this is the only point in the dream I see any actual turtles.  The dream is kind of breathtaking and again really dynamic.  The world, at night, pluses with turtles; this is the main experience of the dream. 

I have never had a dream of turtles as far as I can recall, although of course turtles are an ancient symbol associated with various creation myths for example.  There is no hint of any mythology in the dream however, just pulsing turtle populations.  The sea wall off of California is similar, perhaps identical, to an image from an earlier dream which found me swimming away from an encroaching, swirling, ocean.   

Very curious if anyone has a reaction or impression from the dream. 

Thank you to all, 


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  • Have you read the book, The Last Tortoise, by Craig Stanford, Ph.D.? He's a biological anthropologist & professor at .   USC .He is also the co-administrator of the Jane Goodall Institute. He is actually a brilliant primatologist but has also a great  interest in and knowledge of Tortoises. He isn't particularly depth psychological but he's highly intuitive and sensitive. He works with a group I believe called the turtle conservancy.  His twitter is craigstanford7. What I was struck by were the vast amounts of turtles,their power, their communal gathering. obviously their death. Of course their threatened extinction, despite what is their usual long lived life span.. If you are in the states I know the  Turtle Conservancy is based in New York and has that other place in California, near Santa Barbara. I would suggest you buy Craig's book. The world, at night, pluses with turtles; this is the main experience of the dream.  That sentence caught me. I want to avoid being too interpretive and stay with the motion and energy of the dream, which seems profound , Read about them scientifically and see what grabs you about their habits, life span, etc. Also the idea of a turtle plunging into the sea. Don't they actually do that after laying their eggs? It seems something "turtle" wants your attention! Are you similar to the tortoise in any way? Or not. Do you need to dive/delve into the depths of psyche/despair/life?Or are you perhaps flooded with /from/life to the point of escape/need for survival.  What needs to be fertilized/birthed/searched in the waters of the unconscious? There are so many layers to these images. Scientific, evolutionary, behavioral, environmental.....
    Are you needing involvement in a collective (the mass of turtles), or are you over run from too much community , etc. All these interpretive moves and thoughts may be over the top and excessive. I prefer Staying with the image of turtle power itself. That may be quite enough, and will get you where you're  meant to go!Judith Harte. Keep   me posted jharte1@aol.com

    Please let me know how this unfolds. Good luck.

    JUdith Harte


  • Hi Matthew,
    Thanks for sharing this dream. Turtle power. More about the sea wall? Any detail on the turtles? Impressions of them?
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