Anita Ribeiro-Blanchard left a comment for Beatrice bartlett
"Hello Beatrice, nice to see you here.
My email account with Yahoo was closed last year, and would like to talk to you.  Please, contact me.
Anita Ribeiro-Blanchard"
May 28, 2017

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  • Welcome Anita,

    Glad you found and decided to join the Alliance. I just finished reading your article "Somatic integration to systemic therapy." As an MFT, I found the somatic work quite fascinating in that I have worked with abused children, primarily sexually abused children, and have seen the need for a bodily approach gently offered. Yoga with children has been a wonderful tool and I would enjoy hearing more about the specifics of your work.

    I am also starting to wonder about the archetype of family and wondering if it has not begun ever so slightly to change and such change is causing some of the confusion we see in family dynamics today. The MFT group of the Alliance will be fashioning a study after the new year along these lines so if you are interested, you may want to join that group. Yet, there are many other blogs, forums, and groups to invite you into any of your other interests.

    Again, welcome and I look forward to your posts.


  • Hello Anita, and my apologies for the belated welcome on my end. It's great that you've found the Alliance. You seem to be quite a world citizen, with your links to UK, US, and Brazil! 

    As you can see, the Alliance is a dynamic and growing group of people who understand the power of connecting around critical topics and the fact that we are a global community allows us to meet and learn from others in a multitude of ways. I think you'll find much to engage with as you begin to browse the vast content and start interacting with others. I encourage you to jump in right away and get your feet wet by simply sharing a link or article that has meaning for you or perhaps by commenting on others' posts, asking a question, or sharing some of your own thoughts or work.

    In case you need detailed help on personalizing your profile picture or getting started and navigating the site, please use the following link-- --and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all! I look forward to seeing you around the community~Bonnie Bright, Founder

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