Fredericksburg, VA
Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.
Earthwalk Ways
Which of the following best describes your proposed membership status? If you are signing up with your first and last name, please choose "Individual." Please do NOT choose one of the other options unless you are creating a profile page with a business or organization name
What are your main areas of interest?
Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Ecopsychology, Somatic Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Shamanism, Breathwork
If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?
Other type of Psychology
If so, from what institution?
I am a Pathwork Helper and Retreat Director of the Earthwalkways Forest Therapy Institute and Retreat
I have a BA in Psych from Colorado Women's College and I graduated from the Core Energetics Institute
Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?
I have always worked with archetypes and the evolution of self. The Pathwork is a form of inner work with the Shadow for the purposes of self recognition and a higher state of being for humanity. I am offering a 9 month Mystery School course, Dying into life, that looks at our story and beyond story.
Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?
I am on the Board and Council of the Mid-Altantic Pathwork. I am founder of Natural Communion Forest Therapy and belong to the Forest Therapy Collective-Mid-Atlantic.
What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?
If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here
Greetings Darlene and welcome to the Alliance! I hope you will find it a place of support, community and nourishment of your many depth psychological pursuits and interests.
We are an international community of over 4,500 members from all walks of life, all sharing interest and experience working with the unconscious, dreams, the archetypal realm, and the many other branches and roots of our field of inquiry. There is much cross-disciplinary knowledge and experience here to be shared and explored. We hope you will dive in and share some of your experience, your questions and your reflections.
Upcoming events can be found under the explore button. And there are many listed and more in the works for this new year. Also a good place to get you started is the Welcome Center found on the home page or here.
And finally, fellow board member Donna May and I will be hosting an online Deep Meet and Greet to welcome you and other new members to the Alliance. It would be great to see you there and get to know you a bit more at that time. The next Deep Meet n Greet is Thursday, May 26 at 5PM PDT. You can find more details and RSVP for the event here if you think you can make it. I hope to see you there.
In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you around the boards & please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
In Soul,
Mark, Board Member
"Our heart glows, and secret unrest gnaws at the root of our being. Dealing with the unconscious has become a question of life for us."
--Carl Jung