Laura Beso commented on Depth Alliance's event FREE Webinar with Jungian Anne Baring, author of Myth of the Goddess
"Hello, I registered for this event two days ago but did not receive a confirmation email.  Should I be concerned?"
Aug 10, 2014
Laura Beso commented on Bonnie Bright's event Teleconference with Thomas Moore on his new book: A Religion of One’s Own
"How do we get the audio recording of this event?  I had to miss the LIVE event and want to hear it."
Feb 7, 2014
Laura Beso left a comment for Ed Koffenberger
"Sounds very interesting...thank you for sharing with me!"
Jan 7, 2011
Laura Beso left a comment for Ed Koffenberger
"Hi Ed,
Thanks for the welcome!  Yes, I do use dream tending with couples.  I've found it can be very helpful and sometimes quite profound when two people can actually catch a glimpse of one another's unconscious life and gain an understanding of…"
Jan 2, 2011

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  • Laura,

    Sorry for the late response. Most folks come to me because they have hit a dry or troublesome spot in their relationship with the Other, call it God, Supreme Being, etc. I invite the directee to journal their dreams for often, since psyche is trying to break through causing their discomfort and desire, it is the God-complex that is changing and causing the problem. The complex changes and a new way to experience and commune with this new complex hasn't yet been formed. WeE talk/draw/image the dream content that opens the change to conscious awareness. Often the dreams lead to new understandings and new rituals that more closely correspond to the individuals new sense of the numinous. In a nut shell, that's the plan (sometimes :) )

  • Welcome Laura,

    Glad you are with us. One question prompted by your website: Do you use dreamtending in couple therapy, lead groups, etc? I have used dreams within a spiritual direction context with couples but not in couples' therapy.


  • Hi Laura. Welcome to the Alliance. You have a great URL for your website! I wonder how you managed to grab that. I bet there are dozens of others out there that had the same idea and were sad to find it was already taken. Did you go through Steven Aizenstat's training? I have two close friends who have done the whole program: still trying to find the time myself, but one of these days...
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