relationships (3)

The more we can, both individually and collectively, make the unconscious conscious...the more we’ll be able to consciously direct and focus our activities in ways that will be productive and beneficial for all
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Passive-Aggressive Behavior

by Mary Jane Hurley Brant



Have you ever felt confused when speaking with someone?  He or she might be smiling but you were uncomfortable by how they were acting?  Well, it might be a passive-aggressive behavior you are experiencing. Passive-aggressive behavior is a manner of interacting with others in passive ways as, for example, “by stubbornness, sullenness, procrastination, or intentional inefficiency.” ( I would add another element: you act out the o

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2015, Humanity's Year of Happiness

This title seems taken  right out from the world of Utopia. I said seems. What would it take for our world to start on this road toward happiness for all? For the last 3000 years we were presented different theories, religions, recipes that, we thought,  would eventually allow just that: happiness for all.

Now in 2015 we have to agree; it didn't work.

I do not need to paint the world as it is now as we all know the picture isn't pink, unless I attribute this color to cancer.

We have to pause again

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