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2015, Humanity's Year of Happiness

This title seems taken  right out from the world of Utopia. I said seems. What would it take for our world to start on this road toward happiness for all? For the last 3000 years we were presented different theories, religions, recipes that, we thought,  would eventually allow just that: happiness for all.

Now in 2015 we have to agree; it didn't work.

I do not need to paint the world as it is now as we all know the picture isn't pink, unless I attribute this color to cancer.

We have to pause again

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LIFE : the model behind Nature, brain and behavior

Will men and women ever get along?

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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams,Archetypes, Symbols 

Individuation: The Process of a Lifetime: Jung defined it as "the process by which a person becomes an "in-dividual…”

Book review: What Story Are You Living? By Carol Pearson and Hugh Marr> Are all stories are derived from archetypes?

Depth Psychology and Myths Today: The mystery that surrounds us feeds the myths we make

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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams, Archetypes, and Symbols

Dreamwork as a rewarding spiritual practice by Jean Raffa:

Before the Meyers-Brigg (MBTI) Jung developed personality typologies. What’s yours? Free online test:

Vampires embody all aspects of the darker side of human nature. It’s what Freud called the Id and Carl Jung called the Shadow:

Carl Jung’s ideas on the f

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Depth Psychology is the study of the Unconscious, an inquiry into what we don’t know by looking at how psyche emerges in symbols, mythology, art, & dreams and how we live out the repressed, the silenced, & the marginalized in our personal lives and in the culture at hand. It explores our relationship to soul, and includes ideas from anthropology, cross-cultural studies, ecology, philosophy, theology, indigenous cultures, the arts, and more. Early pioneers of the field are Sigmund Freud and Carl

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If you look at, the word “twitter” is defined as a “a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird” or “to talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter.” “Tweet” fares no better, described as a “weak chirping sound.” Though the etymological derivation from Old German is slightly more positive, meaning "condition of tremulous excitement,” neither term seems to come even close to the experience had by those who have embraced it as a powerful tool for rapid and broa
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