When viewed through the lens of Jungian psychology, the figure of the wounded healer takes on profound significance for those in the helping professions. As an archetype of the collective unconscious, the wounded healer represents patterns of initiation and healing that become constellated (activated) whenever helper and client come together for the purpose of healing. These patterns rest on the ancient bedrock of evolutionary psychological development, creating an expectation in both helper and client that there is a way forward, and that the potential for healing lies within the wound itself. This free class introduces our eight week college-level course on Jung and the Archetype of the Wounded Healer. The course begins on Saturday, Oct 16th, 2021. Follow this link to register:
Jung and the Archetype of the Wounded Healer: Free introductory Class
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The wound is open in all of us
in the wicked and the good
in the transference and the countertransference
little attention is paid
that every human being
has the task
remembering his own dreams
to work on it