WHAT: Special Study Group: Jung's with Jungian Analyst Robert
WHEN: Starts January 19th: Consists of 20 pre-recorded lectures of 1.5 hours each; an 88-page study guide created by, Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer; and this written online discussion forum. Runs 40 weeks
WHO: Anyone who is interested in Jung's , Robert . Facilitators: Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett
>>>This Special Study Group starts January 19th, 2013. It is an open written discussion forum based on following the pre-recorded 40-hour audio course* with Robert available from Jung Platform.
This is a central place to which you can come and post questions or comments about the designated module you listened to for the 2-week period and interact with others who are doing the same thing. As such, there is no set "time" it occurs, but rather is ongoing and you can post or respond at your convenience. Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, students and colleagues of Robert will be providing some structure and be on hand to facilitate the discussion, and Robert himself will also be checking in.
*If you're not following the audio course, you're still welcome to engage here in whatever discussion is emerging--though of course you'll likely get far more out of the process if you are able to listen to the course itself.
1. Listen to an interview with Robert on Shrink Rap Radio with host Dr. David Van Nuys to help you get to know Robert better in preparation for the course.
2. Get your copy of this in- audio course from Jung Platform. The course consists of 20 lectures of approximately 1.5 hours each which occur every two weeks. In each lecture Robert addresses a few pages from the . You can read along in your copy of the .
This course comes with an 88-page study guide designed by Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer, which contains a synopsis of each lecture. After each session, there are questions to help you test your understanding. After finishing the entire 40-week course and tests, you get a CE certificate and a Certificate of Completion from the Jung Platform University.
(Cost FULL COURSE: Lectures 1 through 20 + 30 CEs + Synopsis / Study Guide - $99). members get additional 25% off using the code" "). The course may also be purchased in two individual parts.
3/ Join the online discussion forum in the Psychology online community (HERE!) starting January 19, 2013, where everyone who follows the audio course from Jung Platform can come together and discuss each particular section. This forum will be facilitated by two professionals, Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, who have been trained in Embodied Imagination with Robert for three years and Robert will be checking in every two weeks as well. (This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you follow the audio course or have the )
Robert , PsyA, is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. Since then he was been in private practice in the United States and Australia. Robert founded the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary and developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. He has also written several s, including the worldwide bestseller ‘A Little Course In Dreams’.
Thanks for the suggestion--somehow I had to flip left and right and it posted correctly even if mirror image--take that, Trickster!
Hi Everyone!
I have to say that right now I am feeling a bit behind where I would like to be in this venture. I have finally gotten all the tapes downloaded, and I have listened to the first CD, but I only got a study guide for CD 1 through 4 . Wondering what happened to the rest. I am also now at last in posession of the red book. I ordered the right version by pure chance. I had no idea there were more than one edition of the book. I now have to catch up on reading, and it is all so interesting that It is taking time. Do we turn in the chapter answers at then end of the course, or as we conclude each section?
A special greeting to Peter...I see your name on the Animas valley guide list. And to Chris. I seriously contemplated traveling to Esalen over the holidays for the program you attended. I have quested with Bill, and gone on other adventures with both Bill and Geneen and others at AVI.
Hi Bonnie, Well my sideways picture will have to represent surrender (unless I figure out how to fix it):) The appeal of alchemy aside, I suppose at this point I would have to say that I experience some ambivalence regarding the extent of mortificatio undergone by Jung in this process and am unsure if it is a psychologically balanced approach, at least for me, or whether the spirit might be harmed by it in some way. However it is difficult to read his account, as an empath, without sharing in the depth of his experience to some degree and so i am cautiously going forward with him while trying to not identify too fully since this the process belongs to him though instructive for us.
Have you tried deleting it and re-posting turned to the right? Or, How about a different photo.
the conversion Egon Schiele 1912
Jung's Red Book p. 232 and Blake's Reunion of the Soul and the Body http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-lC2FJ...
I like this image! It really illustrates what the reunion of the soul to the body might be like -- its rushing and movement with passion. Is this what happens when we call in the Spirit of Depths?
This image (thanks, Ava, for opening it up--I couldn't get it to!) struck me as the feeling of having been grabbed by the spirit of the depths to the point where Jung is calling for his lost soul (p. 127 Reader's Edition [HIii(r)] [1] in facsimile) "My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you--are you there? Here is a rare recording of "C.G. Jung Speaks to his Soul" which I found very moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt_-LHKff_g. It was played at Sonu Shamdasani's introduction to the Red Book at the Rubin Museum in New York.
So long as you haven't experienced this: to die and so to grow, you are only a troubled guest on the dark earth. ~Goethe
Greetings everyone, I feel like I’m arriving late to the party. I’m a librarian in Los Angeles and my wife is an artist. We are studying The Red Book together and having wonderful conversations regarding the material. I’ve been a long time reader in depth psychology and from an early age Jung’s ideas seemed to click with me.
I really feel that The Red Book is one of the most important publications in the last fifty years. I really like the physical characteristics of the book: the size and weight give it a unique distinction in my library. It doesn’t fit on most bookcases. It really needs it own space, which is very fitting for this book. Physically and psychologically the book can’t be ignored…you need to find a good spot for it.
As a librarian we are use to classifying things as either fiction or non-fiction. This work seems to be both. This is how it should be: challenging the reader to let go of their binary opposition and explore the interior world of the psyche; to start our own journeys and see what material comes up for each of us.
I have enjoyed all the post tremendously and look forward to more as we continue exploring this remarkable book together.
P.S I’ll try and post a better picture in the next few days.