Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.
Bellingham WA
What are your main areas of interest?
Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Transpersonal Psych, Other
If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?
Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?
The DPA website first drew my attention, because it seemed to be a community of deep thinkers, into the works of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, etc. I've been withdrawn for a while (over ten years), researching and writing. I don't know anybody personally, that's into depth psychology and comparative religion like I am. Just trying to find people to talk to...
Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?
Thanks a lot Scott,
Tell me what you have got,
That I have not,
I fit in with others
Who do think
That am the missing link.
Scott Thank you so much ,
But we are in deep trouble I think;I love simple you love complex
So it will be like my last friendship,
I followed her beliefs, the green man entered my life
I am a artist ,I painted what she desired ,and thing were going fine,
Until I expressed my views on Jung ;
The fox entered our hen coop ,feathers flew,and so did she;
But I have a open mind ,I even accepted a friends multi-universe
Seeing other minds, that match our own,exist in our huge universe
At 82 my mind is still flexible,and ever learning as suggested was beneficial,
I listened all night last night to Stephen Hawkins secretary, read his ideas
That I find interesting,
I have Joseph Campbell's book, Hero with a Thousand Faces, Jungs Man and his Symbols
But I really love,Jungs Modern Man in search of his Soul ,best of all of his books,
I play that on a regular basis on my tablet now ,
But I do love different opinions,
I find you can always learn from them,
HI Scott! Sorry for the delay. I've been traveling a bit and in the process of packing up to move to Cali.
I've received more helpful information from the composers I seek to collaborate with and am going to spend more time developing how I'd like to accomplish this. It's so much larger than I anticipated and they, as musicians, need a lot of details, of which I do not have readily available. I only have the idea. So I am going to keep you posted.
Once I arrive In California I will give you an update.
Hello Scott,
You have NO idea how refreshing it is to come across people that are so like-minded, and can actually communicate back to me in the same [if not similar] language! So refreshing...
To answer your questions:
>>Scott: Are you trying to integrate those disciplines and schools of thought into your own consciousness, and have unanswered questions?
I've spent the past 6 years engaged in that process. Not only did I feel like I was going to go crazy [because of what was coming up, downloaded and being revealed], I just didn't see it outside of myself. So trying to find my place in the world amongst people has been a difficult journey. It was always "Is this right? I don't see it out there, so how can I confirm if this is true or simply me going crazy?" The only unanswered question I have now is, "Where's my place?" Going to a dance studio will turn the same results as going to a non-profit focusing on only one aspect. It has to be all of the above, in a similar form and fashion.
>>Scott:Or have you already done that, and are trying to express it in a work of art, like a movie or play?
Yes, yes, and YES! A movie is a bit ambitious, but it's an aspiration. But the main and foremost goal is to express it in a work of art - visual, craft, and theater. In my solitude I try to find completion in just utilizing one medium, but my source will not allow me to rest until I've done some sort of expression in all media I have experience in. So it shall be the same with regards to sharing with the collective beyond myself.
>>Scott:I'm curious about the basic theme of your dream work? It sounds like a major epiphany! Can you be a little more specific about it?
My dreams have always had a strong sense of 'more' to them. When I first began documenting them [at the age of 16], I clearly understood the difference between working out daily issues and discovering my 'Self' - identity and purpose. 11 years later and they are more clear, focused, and intense - experiences spill over into waking life, which simply means there's more of an integration than in the past.
With regards to the theme, that is something I have to be careful with regards to sharing. Many have an understanding as to what purpose dreams serve. What I will say is this collaboration serves to reveal that.
HI Scott. Thank you for the welcome and commenting .
I'm trying to integrate Jungian Psychology, Dream Work, Mythology [works inspired by Joseph Campbell],Mysticism, Religious studies inspired by Mircea Eliade, Music composition, Art - movement, visual [concept of Calligraphy included], writing, expressive, Technology - holographic projection, Photography and videography. That's the majority.
Try to picture the image of our Solar System. You see how it works? That's what I am trying to do on a much larger scale with the above disciplines, Dreamwork at the core as the Sun.
I'm having difficulty finding a way to approach individuals in each of the disciplines in order to provide in-depth details.