A (4)

The  Seasons of a Marriage

by Mary Jane Hurley Brant


  I just celebrated a milestone in Italy – 45 years of being married to the same man. Not bad for a woman who still thinks of herself as being only 43 years old. This “looking back time” has left me sentimental and reflective about the state of marriage and how those years spent together can be comparable to the four “seasons” in a calendar year. Maybe my musings will capture some of your own experiences of the seasons of a marriage, too.


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The Coming of Winter




Most writers of memoir need not expect the chill and silence that has followed in the wake of my publication of In
the Tracks of the Unseen; Memoirs of a Jungian Psychoanalyst
. My story touches upon the history of a psychoanalytic community, and while mine is not a narrative about the New England Society of Jungian Analysts, it references, in part, my experiences within it. Over a period of thirty-some years this institution and ever-changing collection of analysts have played a major role in m

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Hi, everyone! I'm Sandy Nathan. I led the Book Club back in January with my book Numenon. I was just having fun reading the posts and articles on this site and thought you might enjoy an article I recently posted in my blog for writers, Your Shelf Life. 

Like many in our culture, I am obsessed with winning. I carried my obsession into my life as an author, entering book contests galore, and winning many of them. (I've got 22 national awards at this point.) Terrific, until I lost. That's when I re

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What is this Saturn Return passage that we hear about so often? If you are between the ages of 28-30 you are in your first Saturn Return, or if you are 59-60 years old, then you are in your Second Saturn Return.


 (This is excerpted from new book" "Saturn Returns~The Private Papers of a Reluctant Astrologer")

“When an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.” C.G. Jung

The "Saturn Returns" at ages twenty-nine and fifty-nine are times of great change and opportunity. And so,
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