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Barry's Blog # 51: Uncivil Liberties


In recent years, many politically active people have been attracted to Ron and Rand Paul. In addition, there has been a huge resurgence in the free-market writings of Ayn Rand. Out of that tradition came the film Thrive, which has been very popular among well meaning but naïve members of the New Age community.


In response, the Praxis Peace Institute ( published a pamphlet that exposed Thrive’s unstated, right-wing agenda.


Now we’ve taken the next step. After searching for a s

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"Stream" - A Time To Fly

"Stream" - A Time To Fly

"Stream" Original Painting on Rice Paper by Roberta Ann Busard

A Time To Fly

I have begun to paint again.

But what is that? What does that mean?

I never really stopped or did I? Did I pause?

I had a dream once, where I was in this great cave with a great opening with a bottomless abyss below and the infinite heavens above.

 There were streams of birds flying upwards and through in groups. I meant to leap, to join with them. Their flight called me from my very core.

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Psychosis, Mysticism and Spirituality

I have been attempting to conduct some research around Psychosis, Mysticism and Spirituality for some time already and have posted some items and gathered some materials on my blog entitled Religion and Health where more details have been included. These posts give more background to my motivation for this Health Research Project:

PersonalStory – Bipolar Disorder – Part 1

Personal Story – Part 3 – Bipolar Disorder

Looking forward to feedback around this them

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'Dear Brave Souls: "The Sweet Shadow: Darkness as Signal of Sweetness Underneath..."

Many ways to understand shadow. In this image, there are shadows on the bananas, dark spots, not to mention shadows on the curled peels and between the fingers of the mother and child... and see the colors in the shadow to the right of the mother's hips? The shadows are not black, they are made of colors.

This past week, here, we have spoken of what I've learned about shadow and light while teaching myself to pain

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In his 2006 book Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, Rick Tarnas suggests that the western mind has catapulted us away from a fundamental cosmos where everything was ensouled, alive, and animated by meaning and archetype. Our modern mindset is, instead, to attempt to control and manipulate our environment, making us the active subject in any interaction, and the things we see around us the passive object. Tarnas suggests “disenchantment” refers to the way the world is objectifie

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An angel watches over an argument between Ceres and Mercury

Euphoria winged heart

In Pisces Time

  • Venus is conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 2 – 4 degrees.

  • Sun is conjunct Chiron in Pisces at 9 – 10 degrees.

  • Mercury retrograde is conjunct Mars in Pisces at 19 -20 degrees.

Pisces is always on our minds at this time of year, the end of Winter in our northern hemisphere, with green shoots soon to be Narcissus poking through the dark earth.  This February and March, however, has more Piscean energy than normal.  The Sun, Mercury,

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In his fascinating book, Coming to our Senses, historian and social critic Morris Berman introduces the terms alienation or confiscation as a “rupture in the continuum of life.” Alienation is experienced as the feeling of an abyss where a sense of self or self-identity is missing or where the self does not feel safe. Many psychologists have speculated that this abyss or gap in the experience of the self may be increased or intensified by a lack of positive mirroring in the infancy stage.


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Barry's Blog # 50: The End of the World

In December of 2012 the media was awash with speculations about the approaching solstice and the meaning of the Mayan prophecies. Countless people planned to celebrate the arrival of a new age. Meanwhile, millions of fundamentalists were actively hoping for the apocalypse and expecting to be “raptured” into Heaven.

Now that two months have passed and we have experienced neither heaven nor hell, perhaps it’s time

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Guilt and Individuation - Always Pay!

“A wise man will know it is the part of prudence to face every claimant and pay
every just demand on your time, your talents, or your heart. Always pay.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson[1]

by Lawrence H. Staples

The Jungian model for psychological growth and development is called individuation. It is the process by which we achieve our unique potential as an individual. All psychological growth is difficult and often painful. The Jungian way, however, is especially so because it requires us to sin and bear gui

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When A Pope Resigns...

The Catholic world has been struck by the resignation of its Holy Father - as was St Peter's Basilica by lightning on the very day his resignation was announced (Monday Feb 11 2013).
The image suggests to me that something very deep is at work here.
I'd love to hear from any Alliance members who have a view on the subject of the Pope, his shock resignation, and the way forward for the Catholic Church...


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Do We Need More Psychology?

Dennis L. Merritt, Ph.D.

In the famous 1957 BBC interview, C.G. Jung proclaimed, “We need more psychology, the human psyche must be studied! Humans are the source of all coming evil.”

Psychology is positioned to usher in a holistic approach to the study of the human psyche, our relationship to the environment, and a truly interdisciplinary educational system. As Jung pointed out, all we know and experience comes out of the psyche and all our systems, including science, have an archetypal base. The

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Education Institution

Psyche Under Siege

After giving a lecture where I discussed the Holocaust, an elderly man approached me. I could see a genuine kindness and compassion in his face, and also sensed that his soul had seen far too much in his lifetime. He wanted me to re-consider my comment that we could never understand what created the Holocaust and ongoing acts of genocide.

Gently, yet firmly he explained that when we stop trying to understand, we open the door open for future occurrences. I immediately realized that I had made a t

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“If we open our eyes, if we open our minds, if we open our hearts, will find that this world is a magical place. It is magical not because it tricks us or changes unexpectedly into something else, but because it can be so vividly and brilliantly.”--Chogyam Trungpa

When I was a child, I longed for magic: actively, forcefully, wistfully. I spent thousands of hours reading books about witches and wizards and fairies and everyday objects endowed with supernatural powers, I read about kids who time-tr

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Invitation to Participate

Hello Friends and Colleagues,
Below is an invitation to participate in a study on violent dreams.  If you could take a moment to think about participating, or pass the invitation on to someone who might be interested, I would greatly appreciate it.
Anna M. Kumor, MFT
Ph.D. Candidate
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Invitation to Participate in Study
A Study of Violent Dreams
If you have had violent dreams at any point in your life, and would like to share your experiences, react
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I'd like to share a brand new written interview with Charlene Jones, Alliance member and psychotherapist, who offers a private practice in Ontario, Canada. Charlene is one of over a hundred Alliance members listed as a depth oriented practitioner on, available to the general public to search by location or type of services for free...

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Charlene Jones is a depth oriented psychotherapist specializing in addictions release, depression, crisis intervention, and marriage co

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Part One

…doing terrible things in an organized and systematic way rests on ‘normalization.’ This is the process whereby ugly, degrading, murderous, and unspeakable acts become routine and are accepted as “the way things are done.” – Edward S. Herman

Do theaters tailor their previews of upcoming films to certain audiences? Prior to viewing Zero Dark Thirty in liberal Berkeley, I had to endure six such previews, every one of them an action thriller; a full twenty minutes of explosions, gun fire, ca

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Happy Imbolc!

At the best of times, I love the Lunascopes of Rebekah Shaman.

She is a gifted writer who crafts beautiful emails according to the waxing of the moon. Today she surpasses herself with these beautiful words about Imbolc - and what an image!

This is all from her Lunascope enewsletter today: 


'Happy Imbolc, the Celtic Cross Quarter festival that celebrates the first days of spring when we start seeing the first brave spring flowers pushing through the hard ground.  From now to Spring Equinox we will s

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Barry’s Blog # 48: The Banality of Evil

The Banality of Evil


I offer this blog on February 2nd. In the six weeks since the Sandy Hook tragedy, 1,478 Americans have died of gun violence.

The German-American writer Hannah Arendt coined the phrase “banality of evil” in 1963. She argued that the great evils in history generally, and the Holocaust in particular, were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths, but by ordinary people who accepted the premises o

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Are We Implicated?--A Depth Psychological and Cultural Take on the Fall of Lance Armstrong  

I was out of town for a conference the weekend the two-part Lance Armstrong interview with Oprah broke and missed it entirely, but the fall-out is hard to miss. Normally I am a bit of a media addict, fascinated and equally reactive to what I consider to be a culture in decline, symptomatic even, of impending collapse. Our priorities seem so out of whack; our values in tatters, our goals absurd. I’m speaki

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