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A moment ago

A moment agoThe sun was shiningWhile we watchedThe pounding rhythm of feetRunningSweat and waterTears and laughterSharp pains in the sideA moment agoThey stepped over the finish lineRaised fist highSaw loved onesFlashed a smile of victoryA moment agoThe Beast unleashedMemories of planes and buildings,Drones and wedding parties,Newton,Columbine, Batman,Kent StateA litany of horrorsA wail of painInnocence shatteredAll it takes is one momentTo change life into deathDeath into despairAnd in the mids
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The news of the death of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher is stirring strong feelings. 

On the one hand are the platitudes from public figures including an epitaph from her political descendant, current prime minister David Cameron declaring that she made Britain great again. On the other hand we're seeing an angry backlash from a public that regards such talk as a whitewash: the most conservative of national newspapers, the Daily Telegraph, was forced to shut its comments section within h

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Peace be upon you.

My Religion and Health Platform ( has been in operation for some time already in the context of research being conducted around Psychosis, Mysticism as well as certain aspects of Religion and Spirituality.

I wish to point out however, that while contributions within this platform are welcome from health professionals, patients and anyone else interested from non-health professional backgrounds, it is being managed from a patient persp

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Surprised by God at my table

Surprised by God at my table04 Apr 2013 8:49 AM | Silvia BehrendSurprised by God at my TableFor the past twenty five years, my ex-Catholic husband and I have celebrated the Passover with a Seder, the ritual telling of the story of Exodus which is accompanied by special food, wine and story. I have presided at Seders with five people and with over 150 people. I have sat next to the very old and the very young, but I have never sat next to God. Or rather, God never revealed Godself to me.It wasn’t
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Dreamer at the Garden

I am a member of a collective garden, where about 20 of us work together to grow food, educate ourselves on sustainability, practice organic farming methods and generally have a good time. We have weekly work parties and also opportunities for solitary work. I have spent many hours observing nature and what she has to teach me about archetypal patterns. I have learned to look through the eyes of a pattern analyst.

At an early spring work party I saw one of our members broadcasting seeds over a be
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Nature Dreaming

I dream about foxes living on my property—a silver fox and a red fox.  In the dream, I do not see them, but I know that they are there—mysterious presences that come through the woods and occasionally make themselves known.  In the waking world, I have seen the red fox.  Once, in the dead of winter, I looked out my dining room window and saw it walking on the surface of our frozen pond.  The contrast of color was startling—its bushy rust colored coat framed by the white and gray tones of the ice

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Fall 2013 Book Launching for The Unholy....Albuquerque and Santa Fe...a one hour Healing Event with inspirational talk exploring images and symbols of transformation within the story, guided meditation, and book reading/signing. Healing Events (one hour) via Skype or in person for your community or reading group can now be scheduled. Please message me on FB or email

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Aries and Individuation

This is a link to a recent blog article I wrote about Individuation and Archetypes (referencing Carl Jung, Marie Louise von Franz, Richard Tarnas, Alan Oken, and Jeffrey Wolf Green) in this incredible time potency of Aries energy- Sun, Venus, Uranus, Mars all together in Aries! (plus in general being square to Pluto in Capricorn and forming a YOD with Jupiter in Gemini pointing toward Saturn in Scorpio):

the image below, a pai

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The Myth of Equivalency, Part Two

Gatekeepers know what is expected of them, and they know each other very well. Here’s one gatekeeper (New York Times book reviewer Jacob Heilbrunn) praising another gatekeeper, Jonathan Kay:

Inside the World of Conspiracy Theorists (

Among the Truth

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Night Vision

“Female figures of thinking and wisdom appear in women’s dreams, notably…versions of the wise old woman such as the owl…”  Karen Signell


An owl has flown into a woman’s dream.  My ears perk up as she tells me her dream.  I have seen an owl that very morning.  I feel a special connection to this woman and her owl.  Together we attempt to listen to what owl might be trying to say.  We have been graced by a visitation—owl has entered the room and we know that we are in the presence of something mys

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The Myth of Equivalency, Part One


January 26th, 2013 – NBC Political Director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ridiculed election machine critics at a conference of vote-counters, saying that critics must be paranoid to fear that anyone would deliberately alter election results. Earlier he had tweeted: "The voting machine conspiracies belong in same category as the Trump birther garbag

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9142445472?profile=originalSome would argue our contemporary consumer-based, productivity-oriented culture contributes to a collective loss of memory—done of being connected to something larger than our everyday selves. As a society, we have become dislocated in time and disconnected from place, leaving us rootless, transient, and opting for sensationalism instead of spirituality; superficiality instead of soul.

So much of this malady is due to our disconnect from nature, our bodies, and earth itself. We are no longer grou

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The Internet and the Second Persona

Before I continue, I should note that this is a re-posting of a guest blog I wrote for a friend's site, fellow writer, Keira Wong (of whom there are references strewn about the place!). It's written for the general public, and I thought others on this site may enjoy it.

Social networking is evolving at an incredible rate, however it appears to be evolving faster than we’re able to adapt to it. Like Europe before the introduction of manners and chivalry, we’re at an undeveloped stage: all stuck in

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When I started teaching professionally, I was faced with a dilemma: Present information in the conventional manner and try to look and act the part of “The Expert,” or on the other hand, honor the inspiration of my own unique creative process. I tried my best to do the first option and it didn't fit me at all. I can't follow a schedule no matter how hard I try, and I spend way too much time musing about odd things when I should be working. My mind and heart do not operate on a linear path, and f

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In a recent blogpost, I wrote some introductory thoughts about what I’m calling “Culture Collapse Disorder,” an eco-psycho-pathological disorder in which human-made stressors stemming from culture and development (and their correlating underlying connected psychological issues) are causing a drastic systemic imbalance, manifest by a critical rise in adverse conditions for earth and its inhabitants.

In short, the way of life most of us are living in modern consumer culture is simply not sustainabl

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On the Tenth Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq


Ten Years ago:






 Wave of Iraq blasts kill 56


At least 56 people were reported killed and 100 wounded across Baghdad on Tuesday in a series of bombings that coincided with the ten-year anniversary of the US invasion. The scene appears all too common.

This war – and all of our other wars – could not have proceeded as they did without the support of a compl

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My Mother and the Pope

I was surprised yesterday to receive a phone call from my very excited mother. She was thrilled to tears that ‘we’ had a new pope from Argentina. I could almost see her 82 year old self jumping up and down for joy. I, however, was a bit taken aback. We are Jewish.But we were both born in Argentina – and it seemed that regardless of religious affiliation or belief, regardless of the fact that Argentina protected Nazi perpetrators of genocide, my mother was caught up in the field of nationalistic
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Hummingbirds - A bird in the Hand

In the Assisi Institute's Dream Pattern Analysis class with Dr. Conforti, students are trained to look at images objectively and to discern their most dominant message. We are taught that there are two crucial elements to translating an image objectively and not to get hooked by our associations which can be the expressions of our complexes. The first element is to understand that Psyche provides the image with a high degree of specificity. When we dream of a snake, it is important to note wheth

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Earth’s inhabitants are in peril largely of our own making. We are, consciously or unconsciously, systematically destroying the our homeplaces, habitats, ecosystems, and above all, the only home we collectively know: Earth. Reports are emerging daily about the implications of human impact on our environment, presenting dire warnings about pollution, urban development, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, natural disasters, and displacement.

The tally of global losses grows daily as we perpet

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Painful relationships scream for attention. They challenge us to figure out the meaning. Do we work things through? Is that possible? Do we let them go even though there's been weeks, months, years of familiarity? Peering into darkness, into what isn't known and what isn't guaranteed, carries a certain dread of being wrong. But, we need to consider that doing nothing, purposelessly lingering in misery, definitely counts as one of the worst and most assured ways of going down a psychic dead end a

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