"congratulations to all prolific writers!
Upcoming on shrink rap radio is an interview with Nancy Furlotti on the Jung Neumann Correspondence (the subject of a recent conference), and some of the forthcoming books pertinent to that subject: Erich…"
"Hi Kathleen,
I hope you will enjoy that chapter, by Monika Wikman, and others as well. Btw, this Saturday, Oct 5, we will have a book launch at the Los Angeles Jung Institute, and Monika will be there as well, speaking about and possibly reading…"
"Thanks Theodore! We have tried to combine the professional with the personal. The introduction, The Amplified World of Dreams, is an overview of the subject - dreams and amplification - including a dream, the active imagination and the amplification…"
"Thank you Jeffrey. The Herald Dream is an excellent book about the first dream in therapy/analysis, good you mention. Among other thinkers, Gaston Bachelard of course speaks beautifully on dreams and poetry.
The chapters by Naomi Lowinsky and Monika…"
"Dear Carita, What a week you have had! I can imagine what a frightening experience you have just had, but if I understand correctly, while Death sent a message, also through your pneumonia, it fortunately went on and "passed over."
While we need to…"
"Dear Bonnie, dear participators in the DPA Book Club Community,
I write these lines now from Colorado, where I have the honor of presenting some of my thoughts about the Cycle of Life, before going to New Mexico.
"Dear Susan,
Thanks for bringing Mary Oliver's profound poem to the book club! There is no need for further words. I write this having just arrived at Philadelphia Airport, on my way on to Denver. I have not brought into our discussion the issue of…"
Dear Carita,
Kafka, like for instance Erich Neumann as well (who died at 55) lived very creative and in many ways very full lives, while it certainly seems that the lives of many people who live to see old age, seem rather empty. But I am curious…"
"Dear Friends, Participators in February's book club,
Since I will depart tomorrow for a couple of weeks in the States, I let my oldest granddaughter do the drawing for my book Enemy, Cripple & Beggar a few days early. I am pleased to announce…"
"Dear Leigh Christ Cassity,
I am pleased to share with you that you are the winner in the drawing for the February Book Club. I will be glad to have a copy of my book Enemy Cripple & Beggar sent to you. Please send me (shalit@orange.net.il) your…"
"Dear Nance,
Thank you for your touching comment! The terrors of traumatic events, whether nature catastrophes or man-made evil, may cause us to freeze, unable to overcome the disasters that preferably should remain at a symbolic level. Yet,…"
"Dear all participants,
I think Kafka's extremely brief story is a wonderful piece reflecting the different perspectives we may have of life. Bertold Brecht and Walter Benjamin had an interesting discussion about this story. It seems to me to…"
We are now moving into the last week (well, this February does have 29 days, so we get a little bit extra), towards the end of our journey. I chose to divide the last chapter of The Cycle of Life into three, as an homage to old…"
"Thank you Carita for noticing my choice of names for the persons who appear in the book and have contributed dreams and clinical vignettes! Since Hebrew names often have definite and quite clear implications, I decided to bring this to the…"
Erel, shalom. I wanted to offer my congratulations on your cool book. I've yet to finish it, as I prefer to savor the books I appreciate by reading the titles that "reach" me in lieu of a front-to-back read in a week's time.
Gilda Frantz's "Dreams and Sudden Death" is my favorite piece so far. A bit of synchronicity accompanied the reading.
Hi I am currently working on my Ph.D in analytical psychology on the subject of imagination. Can you share some of your ideas in your paper on images or post it to discuss. Thanks Laner
Wonderful, Erel! The site was only launched a few days ago and I'm thrilled to see how its growing so quickly. I feel there has been a deep need for a central place where those who love the field--and the field itself!--can converge.
That post you mentioned on post-modernity was written by a colleague of mine, John Bowie, who has a brilliant mind. I think your paper on the topic must be very timely as well.
He Erel. Welcome to the online Depth Psych community! It wonderful to have your participation. I am familiar with your work a bit because I have been eyeing Self-in-Exile conference through Assisi. I was wondering if you would be willing to have a feed from your blog directly onto Dept Psychology Alliance. If so, I can post it right away. Also, feel free to post any events you might have. Thanks much, and again, welcome!
Besides the more commonly accounted for masculine, solar aspect of the hero’s journey, we may refer to a feminine, lunar attribute as well. They represent different attitudes vis-à-vis the unconscious.
The sun-hero has a dual relationship to the Great Mother, as exemplified by Heracles; his name means Glory of Hera, yet the goddess drives him to madness. He…
Read more…
Erel, shalom. I wanted to offer my congratulations on your cool book. I've yet to finish it, as I prefer to savor the books I appreciate by reading the titles that "reach" me in lieu of a front-to-back read in a week's time.
Gilda Frantz's "Dreams and Sudden Death" is my favorite piece so far. A bit of synchronicity accompanied the reading.
Good form, thank you, and stay safe!
!בוקר טוב
.כמה מעניין שאנו נפגשים כאן
All the best for a pleasant day,
Best wishes,
That post you mentioned on post-modernity was written by a colleague of mine, John Bowie, who has a brilliant mind. I think your paper on the topic must be very timely as well.