Jungian (18)

Analysis of a Dream Series


‘The Impossible Mountain Climb’ Dream: My wife and I were to climb or walk up this very steep mountain, using ropes which were provided. We had trouble, so we left and were to try another time.

We arrived back at the hotel/resort type place and parked, walking to the building that was on the edge of a deep ravine. There was a little gully, with a yellow rope that might help us get up onto the deck. I tried the rope and could not lift myself up to get up onto the deck, so I tried to climb the fenc

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An Archetypal Perspective on Clinical Practice

A Summary of an Introductory Teleseminar Lecture by Jungian Analyst Michael Conforti


A few days ago I attended a teleseminar wich I found valuable and provocative and which inspired me to summarize it here. Please note that that this synopsis is based on my own understanding and interpretation of what was said on the call, and has not been reviewed by the presenter, Dr. Michael Conforti. Also, the teleseminar was offered to the general public free of

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LIFE : the model behind Nature, brain and behavior

Will men and women ever get along?

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Letting go of the way we wish things ideally would be can lead
to more human development than the ideals themselves
article by Lawrence H. Staples

There are many worthy arguments for the existence of ideals. These include the role of ideals as an organizing principle around which people with similar values can gather. Like goals, ideals motivate us.

We would have to be blind, however, not to acknowledge their danger. By definition, when ideals are our gui

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Existentialism and Archetypal Astrology...a Path to the Numinous

This is an excerpt from my new, but yet unpublished book, called "Lifting the Veil; Becoming Your Own Best Astrologer." Although some of the book deals with the grammar of learning how to do this, there's also a section on mid-life passages and the journeys we take from our childhood religious views to new ways of seeing....and in my case it was from Catholicism, to Existentialism, to archetypal astrology. If you are interested in t
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Working with Dreams: Depth Psychology Techniques of Carl Gustav Jung and James Hillman

Dream work is ancient, it’s long tradition evidenced in the temples of Asclepius in Greece where individuals went to be healed through their dreams. Dreams have been an important aspect of many spiritual traditions, and even Freud considered the study of dreams to be his most important work. There are many methods of dream analysis. When working with dreams, it can be helpful to intentionally assess them from v

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Seeking Collaboration

Greetings to the Community of DPA.

I find myself in a near frenzy, searching for a way to tenderly release it into the open. 


I'm an Artisan, an all around creative, and have finally come to peace with myself, giving my full attention to the messages of my dreams. I've documented them for 11 years, and haven't paid much attention to them until this year.

What I've found throughout a handful of entries, is an underlying current of similarity - there's a distinct message within them, and it's someth

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ir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715551Another New Fisher King Press Jungian psychological publication!

Gathering the Light: A Jungian View of Meditation

by V. Walter Odajnyk

Foreword by Thomas Moore

Publication Date Dec 10, 2011 - Advance Orders Welcomed. Also available from the Pacifica Graduate Institute Bookstore.

Originally published by Shambhala in 1993, Gathering the Lightir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715551 is a significant contribution to Jungian psychology and to research concerning the relationship between psychological and spiritual development.

Gathering the Lig
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The Guilt Cure

by Nancy Carter Pennington and Lawrence H. Staples


The Guilt Cureir?t=widgetsamazon-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715535 addresses spiritual and psychological means to discover, treat, and expiate guilt and it’s neurotic counterparts. One of the great paradoxes of guilt is that despite its useful contributions to our lives, it can also be potentially dangerous. It is a major cause of anxiety and depression, and if untreated or expiated in some way, guilt has the potential to cause premature death by bringing on an onslaught of physical

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Eros and the Shattering Gaze: Transcending Narcissismir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715497ir?t=jungbook-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715497With Great Pleasure Fisher King Press announces the publication of:

Eros and the Shattering Gaze: Transcending Narcissism
by Kenneth A. Kimmel

This timely and innovative expose by contemporary Jungian psychoanalyst, Ken Kimmel, reveals a culturally and historically embedded narcissism underlying men’s endlessly driven romantic projections and erotic fantasies, that has appropriated their understanding of what love is. Men enveloped in narcissism fear their interiority and all relationships with emo
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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams,Archetypes, Symbols 

Individuation: The Process of a Lifetime: Jung defined it as "the process by which a person becomes an "in-dividual…” http://www.jungiananalyticpraxis.com/individuation_lecture.htm

Book review: What Story Are You Living? By Carol Pearson and Hugh Marr> Are all stories are derived from archetypes? http://psychcentral.com/lib/2010/what-story-are-you-living-2/

Depth Psychology and Myths Today: The mystery that surrounds us feeds the myths we make

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Eros and the Shattering Gaze: Transcending Narcissism
I want to be able to fly. I want to hover around you like a 
winged Cupid in attendance on his Goddess.(1)

From The Golden Ass by Apuleius. Lucius here pleads with his lover, a witch’s apprentice, to steal a magical potion so that he can be transformed into a god. Instead, he is given the form of an ass and must submit himself to an existence as a loathsome beast of burden.

We live in a time and culture predisposed toward life at the surface. Ours is a society that privileges eternal youth and beau
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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams, Archetypes, and Symbols

Dreamwork as a rewarding spiritual practice by Jean Raffa: http://bit.ly/gPWY9r

Before the Meyers-Brigg (MBTI) Jung developed personality typologies. What’s yours? Free online test: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

Vampires embody all aspects of the darker side of human nature. It’s what Freud called the Id and Carl Jung called the Shadow: http://www.chateaugrrr.com/featured-guests/martin-v-riccardo

Carl Jung’s ideas on the f

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Four Eternal Women: Toni Wolff Revisited - A Study in Opposites
Four Eternal Women
Toni Wolff Revisited - A Study In Oppositesir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715314
By Mary Dian Molton and Lucy Anne Sikes
ISBN 978-1-926715-31-5
320 pages, Bibliography, Index

Shipping Feb 1, 2011 -   Order Now 

Toni Wolff was at first the patient, and later the friend, mistress for a time, long-term colleague and personal analyst of Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung. In addition to her work as the founder, leader and teacher for the Psychological Society in Zurich which led to the establishment of the world-renowned C.G.
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Depth Psychology is the study of the Unconscious, an inquiry into what we don’t know by looking at how psyche emerges in symbols, mythology, art, & dreams and how we live out the repressed, the silenced, & the marginalized in our personal lives and in the culture at hand. It explores our relationship to soul, and includes ideas from anthropology, cross-cultural studies, ecology, philosophy, theology, indigenous cultures, the arts, and more. Early pioneers of the field are Sigmund Freud and Carl

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Just Published by Fisher King Press . . .

The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship

A Practical Guide for Creating the Loving Relationships We Want
by Bud and Massimilla Harris
ISBN 978-1-926715-02-5

The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship presents the profound principles that form a loving relationship in an easily accessible manner. Using a deceptively simple approach, it will help people shift their attitudes and provide them with skills to create a loving, long-lasting partnership. There
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If you look at Dictionary.com, the word “twitter” is defined as a “a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird” or “to talk lightly and rapidly, esp. of trivial matters; chatter.” “Tweet” fares no better, described as a “weak chirping sound.” Though the etymological derivation from Old German is slightly more positive, meaning "condition of tremulous excitement,” neither term seems to come even close to the experience had by those who have embraced it as a powerful tool for rapid and broa
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“the psychological problem of today is a spiritual problem, a religious problem . . .”
—C.G. Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interview and Encounters,
“Does the World Stand on the Verge of Spiritual Rebirth?”

A psychological and spiritual reckoning, Farming Soulir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715012 questions theories and assumptions that date back to the early 1900’s and the days of Freud, assumptions which have too often separated spirituality from psychology. Suffering the trials of her own individuation process, Patricia Damery finds an
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