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Santa Cruz, California
What are your main areas of interest?
Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Somatic Psychology, Transpersonal Psych, Other
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M.A., Other type of Psychology
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John F. Kennedy University
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Depth Psychology is my native tongue and I seek community
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Marion Woodman Foundation
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Hi Eva. I am really looking forward to your presentation. I've had a long time fascination with Tarot and I am excited to hear about The Fool from a depth psychology perspective.
Thanks so much! Yes, I have watched both sessions and took extensive notes! The next webinar is on my birthday, so I'm not positive I will be home to watch it live, but I will be looking forward to the video'd session. I should be available on the 18th for the final live broadcast. Really fascinating series!
Hi Eva + Bonnie - you are both my rare, on-line reciprocal conversational friends and I have a personal favour to ask...could you follow the conversations in Evan's Blog on The Devil is in the Details for I believe I may be out of the league here and would appreciate your feedback to me. I do not want a repeat of last year and my need to take a break following the Red Book experience ending badly concerning my friendship with Ric when I disclosed I was a Christian...for I am finally posting in my Blog on a subject matter I do have experience and knowledge to offer in regards to traumatic bereavement.
Perhaps my trying to converse, contribute in Red Book or Devil Blogs - shadow material from my perspective and experience is ridiculous. Anyways, I'm trying but maybe flogging a dead horse. Thanks in advance. Peace + Love Linda
Hello, dear friend! So glad that you saw me here~ are you coming to Rhinebeck this year?