Kawerau, Bay of Plenty
Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.
What are your main areas of interest?
Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Transpersonal Psych
If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?
Other type of Psychology
If so, from what institution?
Christian Hertiage College (2008) Mansfield,
Brisbane Australia
Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?
Licenesed counsellor/therapist
Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?
1. Various Jungian concepts such as shadow, complexes, dreams, individuation, ego, Self, etc.
2. Concepts, practices & spiritual traditions understood and taught by indigenous peoples (i.e. North America, Mesoamerica and Australia)
3. an in-depth look at one particular concept such as "dreams" such as Clinical & Theoretical Concepts; Dreamwork Practices; Extraordinary/ Lucid and PSI Dreams; Spiritual/Religious/Philosophical Implications; Cultural, Anthropological and Historical Implications, etc.
4. A deep and empassinoned interest in the distinction between "spirit" and "soul" i.e. along the lines of J Hillman's insights on the function of the soul
5. Having recently completed a MROP in Australia, life has really become a "interesting journey" rife with potential and possibility for true TRANSFORMATION. My personal 'awakening' was in my early 40's and is what I would call a 'spiritual emergency'.... referred to by T Keating as an evacuation of the unconcious....through this recognising the reality of the spiritual dimension I have been journeying and learning ever since. The biggest challenge for me has been to reconcile the spiritual and material. The search for me has always been within the Christian tradition...
K Wilber’s writings, in the last week, has been helpful in my trying to understand all this ....he talks about spirit needing to be lived/experience from the inside out into matter....the dualistic mind separates them...either or...I believe MROP goes to the heart of this and assists with the reconciliation - spirit & matter....this is the brilliance of the ritual and use of liminal space....it is transformative...and not in ways that we can necessarily understand immediately....hence all this stuff about reminders...ongoing groups, don't talk about it, bags of gold, etc... This is a concept I am only now beginning to understand, reconcile and grasp. This process has taken me over 50 years.
R Rohr speaks about the Great Chain of Being (not his term) comprising matter-body-mind-soul & spirit...the general theory is that the 'outer' world reflects the interior levels of knowing and being...but the process of evolution or un-folding could never occur without a prior process of involution or in-folding.....there is a whole lot that goes with this....but in essence before the unfolding of spirit can occur involution or the infolding of spirit must occur.
6. As such, my curiosity and interest has been peaked vis-a-vis Eliade and Turner's notions of LIMINALITY i.e. Wilderness Passage Rites
Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?
Jungian (Analytical) Psychology Group
Mindfulness-based psychotherapists
Couples Therapists & Marriage Counselors
Psychologists, psychotherapists and counselors
Autism M eta Network
Mental Health Professionals Running Therapy Groups (USA)
Asperger’s Syndrome - A Better Future
Southern California Mental Health Professionals
Counselling & Psychotherapy
What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?
If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here
Hello Alan! And thank you for your welcome; unfortunately not the same Neil Robertson (slightly weird when one thinks of all the other alter egos of one there are out there). Am based in Rutland UK and look forward to sharing with this group.
Best wishes
Welcome Alan,
First, I hope you were not personally invoilved with the recent quake there.
Second, I'm interested in your bringing together both the Christian tradition and the Jungian/archetypal perspective - then I saw your mention of Richard Rohr. Wonderful speaker I met at Duke University in North Carolina. BUT... that doesn't necessarily mean I know more about your understanding. Would enjoy hearing more. Again, welcome.
Hi Alan! Welcome to the online Depth Psych community. I am so grateful for you taking the time to delineate your path to and interest in Depth Psychology. I relate to many things you said, including the fact that you underwent an opening through Spiritual Emergency which has also been the case for me. Stan Grof, in his book of the same name, defines it as "when personal transformation becomes a crisis". Not easy--but the resulting learning and growth for me has been hugely transformational. Anyway, so glad to have you here in our midst. I see you've already joined Susan's group and have jumped in, so that's great.
Meanwhile, I see you posted a photo, but this process is a little misleading here on the site, and I'm thinking you may have intended this to show up in a different way. Please take a moment to look at his page if you need help setting your personal icon: http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/main/search/search?q=Adding+...
Again, welcome, and I look forward to seeing you around the village...