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Light beings

My experiences with UFO`s - will be glad if others have UFO experiences to share

It is Easter 1988 I think and I meditate more these days than normal.

I feel as if the air got thick and intensity surrounded me. Later the oil heater started, usually it made a terrible noise, but now suddenly it played the most wonderful music, “this must be music from space” I thought.  I sat down and opened to the music and enjoin it.

The air got more and more comprehended and I felt, I was not alone, but I could n

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Zikar is a contemplative practice from the Sufi tradition. It is often translated as remembrance. Through spoken or singing repetition of sacred phrases, combined with simple body movement oriented to the heart, one opens to remembering their true nature. The vibrational field created through chanting, along with orienting to the heart and its powerful energy field (the electric field is 60X and the magnetic field 5000X more powerful than the brain) help us move beyond our ego mind to tune to ou

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Finding My Life's Mission


Several years ago, I came across a dream I had recorded in a journal months prior to beginning work on the Finding Your Mission in Life course materials that were part of my transpersonal studies master's program. My focus in the program was Spiritual Guidance Mentoring. The symbolism in the dream had a lot to do with my then current studies:


Baba Yaga Dream: I come out of a building and start to go down a road. I soon realize that it is the wrong way to go, and choose another road. It is a dead

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A few weeks ago, I Woke-up with words in my head: “As long as you have self-knowledge, you don’t need much else.”

Later that morning, while going through some of my old journals, I opened one at random to an entry having to do with Pramila Jayapal’s story about the matrilineal village in India where she was born titled A Pilgrimage to India: A Woman Revisits Her Homeland. Jayapal writes about her birth village as having good drinking water, higher wages, good education and how all these contribut

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Noah’s honey rust fortress ("junk yard permaculture").

New Myth #21

by Willi Paul,


-- excerpt --

Noah’s camp is more like an ameba, built with multiple rings: gnarly steel and mashed-down upholstery;
a food forest ring, junk cars, then the commons. A semi-chaotic, semi-integrated / biodegraded
ecosystem with bees and honey.

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Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, June 4, 2012



Gemini, the sign of the Twins, exemplifies how the Mind perceives the world as a play of opposites: light and dark, man and woman, left and right, good and bad, spirit and matter, life and death, yin and yang.  Tao says that these opposites contain a spark of each other.   What appears to be separate is really related.  The best way to understand an opposition is to see that each side complements and balances the other side to create a greater whole.

The fu

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Hi, everyone! I'm Sandy Nathan. I led the Book Club back in January with my book Numenon. I was just having fun reading the posts and articles on this site and thought you might enjoy an article I recently posted in my blog for writers, Your Shelf Life. 

Like many in our culture, I am obsessed with winning. I carried my obsession into my life as an author, entering book contests galore, and winning many of them. (I've got 22 national awards at this point.) Terrific, until I lost. That's when I re

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On June 5th, there will be a cosmic event that you don’t want to miss.   The planet Venus travels across the face of the Sun.  (See link for viewing details)


The Cosmic Story  

Astrology is an art as well as a science, using metaphor as its language and cosmic law as its metaphysics.  Our solar system spins, drawing us into the center, together.   Each planet and asteroid circling the Sun energizes a force at play in the world.  Along with the force of gravity, all bodies in our solar system hold

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SoundSourcing: Building the New Permaculture - based Mythology 
Video / SoundScape by Willi Paul,
"I have long believed that Humanity needs New Culture and to have that We have to have new myths. 
Myths rich in Truth as well as mystery. We have an advantage in this undertaking because of what 
We know of the past and Our World today. So much that We can speculate well on possibilities and 
potentials of Truth…as We make these Ours in Our Times. Myths can strengthen Us, by inspiring
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Greetings -

Thanks for the invite to join, Bonnie! I am currently working on a vision tentatively called: 

Integrating the New Mythology: A Poet-Crash Vision for the Planet 

As a primer, please enjoy my interview with Bonnie

And these current pieces from Magazine & openmythsource:

Mythologists, Mystics & Magicians in Transition: 18 Interviews from the Magazine Reservoir 2010 – 2011. Source Directory #3

sound symbols, archetypes & the power of myth: an alchemic journ

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A Brief Mythology of Petroleum

A depth look at oil production.

Introduction: Through a Mythic Rear-View Mirror

“The modern world is in some ways a dialogue between oil and water,” notes environmental professor David Orr in his book Earth in Mind:

Water makes life possible, while oil is toxic to most life. Water in its pure state is clear; oil is dark. Water dissolves; oil congeals. Water has inspired great poetry and literature. Our language is full of allusions to springs, depths, currents, rivers, seas, rain, mist, dew, and sn

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Hello, I am looking to meet more people interested in depth psychology. I live in Campbell, CA and am curious if anyone else is in this area (south bay). I am currently studying counseling psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Would love to chat with you!

~Kristen Lewis

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Now is the Time -- Hafiz
Now is the time to know That all that you do is sacred.
Now, why not consider A lasting truce with yourself and God.
Now is the time to understand That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child's training wheels To be laid aside
When you finally live With veracity And love.

My dear, please tell me, Why do you still Throw sticks at your heart And God?
What is it in that sweet voice inside That incites you to fear?
Now is the time for the world to know That

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Recently on an afternoon hike, I passed by the above hollowed out tree, which reminded me immediately of the rabbit hole in Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland. I knew that I must write about the image and story of the rabbit hole from a Jungian psychological perspective. I read the book Alice in Wonderland many years ago, but reacquainted myself with the story through the most recent Walt Disney (2010) remake of the movie. This article will mostly refer to this movie version of Alice’s a

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Beltane and Wesak


This year’s Scorpio Full Moon arrives during Beltane (May 1-5), the Celtic earth festival that celebrates the beginning of Summer.   The Wheel of the Year describes the process of life, death and rebirth here on Earth.  Beltane is the time when "sweet desire weds wild delight."  It is a time for our hearts to rejoice in life and love and passion.  We are called to engage in the wild flow of life, our blood pumping through our veins with renewed strength, our hearts opening to de

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I had to retire in January due to my husband's major illness (and mine, much more minor).  I have used the time to work on book #6 and it is in the hands of my competent editor right now.  Fisher King Press did a marvelous job on my "quasi-memoir" - A Salty Lake of Tears - that I am trying to figure out how to spread the word.  Any thoughts most appreciated!  The major problem I am experiencing is mobility as I am in my 80's and am suffering with arthritis of the hip.  I had one hip replaced 6 y

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“Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth.

This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
   Attributed to Chief Seattle


Just in time to celebrate Earth Day, the Taurus New Moon arrives on Sa

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Emerging Archetypal Themes:

Whale Rider, Aries and the Female Leader.


            While the sign of Aries conjures up images of warriors such as the Greek hero Jason with his golden fleece, and virgin huntresses such as the Greek Artemis and The Hunger Games heroine Katniss, it is also the sign of leadership.  Aries, which rules the head, gives the gift of strategy and leadership to its children. 

            Today our world is in need of good leaders, people who will take the part of the people o

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Hi Cathy, very sweet description of the upcoming Aries Libra full moon. And I loved that exquisite photo. 

Thanks to you I now have, Buber's I-Thou classic in one hand. And  I've begun a journal of all the qualities that I've always loved/hated in "the other," and one by one am starting to try them on and integrate them as my own! 

Of course I took another peek at the sign on my seventh house cusp in order to be reminded of what I love/hate in others and am now preparing to go through this invento

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